Automix queue kicks out played songs

Could the Automix-Queue also refer to the settings to keep played songs?
(I have “keep played songs in queue” on, but the played songs are kicked out from Automix-queue)

Hey Lukas, thanks for getting back on me so quickly!
Your Automix is amazing: what i do now is to check how well a mix from one track to the other sounds like. that means, i am doing a compilation and i am listening back to every single mix. Doing this is trying out different transfers from one track to the next.
In the meantime i established an okay-workflow.
Your product is just awesome! The only problem right now is that i have cuepoints that i can’t permanently delete:-(
Maybe i have to install it again.
But all in all: KILLERAPPTM
i am so happy using it! thanks!

Ok, i have to be precise: A(!) Cue End Point in a Spotify Track. There was only one Cue Point in it, which was an End Point which somehow sneaked itself into (I don’t remember positioning it, because any kind of Cue point didn’t make sense at that point), BUT i was using shortcuts (Cue End) before this occured:-/
My solution now was to reinstall it and to get rid of the media library.
(Ok i’ve lost a bit of my work, but now the Cue End Point finally disappeared:)

Hi Max,

at the moment this setting is not available.
What do you try to do, wouldn’t it be handy to see the next track and remove the track recently played?

Hi Max,

at the moment this setting is not available.
What do you try to do, wouldn’t it be handy to see the next track and remove the track recently played?

Hi there,

which Cuepoints are you not able to delete?
Can you tell me exactly which ones you can not delete?

Thank you for the nice words :slight_smile: