iPadOS ? access to usb key right into Djay ?


i’ve just discovered latest apple keynote news and it seems there will be a new OS for our iPads and that we will be able to access USB keys right into it ! does that means that we will be able to see our mp3 songs into Djay soon ? :wink:


thanks for the reply
do you know if there will be another version of Djay (specially for iPadOS) ?
will you support direct of hot cues and other settings right into the mp3 file ? (like other desktop computer softwares)
please give us any news about it :wink:


Yes, it was officially announced that starting with the next OS version USB keys and USB hard drives will be seamlessly supported, which would in turn allow you to play mp3s directly.

Hi David
I just sent Guillermo an email with function problems. As of right now Djay software needs to be updated to accommodate the new file structure in iPad OS. Djay is still very sloppy in the file directory area. In fact it won’t even see external drives even though FILES app can see them. At this point we are still having to copy tracks into Djay to allow us to use them. This should be a priority, along with some sort of drag and drop folder function to allow playlists to be made with large amounts of tracks.
And while the engineers are in there coding bring up the need for Isolator EQs,as well as dialing down the resonance on the filter…it’s like nails on a chalkboard.