Searching tracks problem

Search tracks on Djay pro on an ipad 2017 doesn’t work anymore after updating to ios 11. Do you know about problem?

We’re aware of the issue and will have this fixed in an update shortly. In the meantime, please use the small popover library (i.e. not the full-screen library), where search still works fine. Our apologies for this.

Same here,

In Djay 2 the search button still works

You are right. In spotify the problem with searching still persists.

The problem occurs, when you switch from local library to spotify and vice-versa.

Problem was fixed for the local library with version 1.0.10 but it still exists for Spotify.

A work around is better than no work around! Thanks. Look forward to the update.

When will the fix occur?

This issue happens in Djay 2 for iPad with IOS 11 too: I can search normally in Spotify in full screen mode, but when I try to search in my library in full screen mode, I can only write the first letter and the the keyboard goes away and I have to touch again on search to continue typing…

If it’s not in full screen mode, the search goes OK…

Any update?

Tahnk you.