Mark songs after they are played for X seconds

so we can keep track of what we’ve already played
maybe if played for 30-45 seconds continuously, track name turns yellow or something…

Please add feature that marks songs that were allready played for more than X minutes or XX seconds. Or prevent play song twice. This will help organize session.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Mark played songs.

This Feature Is Well Needed…

Tracks are marked as played when you move the crossfader to that deck so they are audible through the master channel.

Thanks for your feedback. Please feel free to post enhancement requests as separate topics in the forum.


We’re proud to present djay 2. djay for iPad and iPhone now marks tracks that have been played. They don’t change color but they’re marked. :wink:

Please do this!!!

Absolutely agree… requested multiple times that this be added.

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Yup… That’s pretty useful, is like when I’m using virtual dj software.

Ya also changing colors independently from eq on the same track …I want different colors without it cutting my bass or treble

This would help. It makes it easier to make a set instead of doing it on pen and pad…

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And add the option to mark with different colors your songs in the playlist by the rated category:


  • YELLOW…previously played song.
  • GREEN…your favorite songs in the playlist
  • BLUE…your second favorite songs in the playlist
  • WHITE…not rated song
    Or CUSTOMIZED Colors…you decides what colors mark your songs.


This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled

I think it would be cool to have the wave display change gradually from green, through orange, to red as the tune progresses from start to finish.

After a few I sometimes tap the cue button on the wrong deck. (I have on iphone and ipod touch

This would be a GREAT feature to add on. I find myself doing the same thing after one of my longer gigs. Change the color or something so we know it was played, but do not disable it as there is that occasion a song may need to be played twice.

So Important for iPad!!!

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Ye, should be perfect!!

Yes this is a must have!

At my Stanton SCS4.DJ is it the same and is very helpful !!

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I used the Idj pro in our big club in Dortmund last saturday, great stuff, looking good and working well, but what is looking poor, is to mark played tracks on printed playlists.

Yeah please add this !!!

I specifically came to this site to see if this feature would be added as a selectable feature to toggle in Settings if desired. I would like to see the track name turn to a gray color if loaded or playsined since the iDJay app was last launched.