Local Music Playlists Empty after iOS 17.4 update, iPad only

Sorry, but can anybody help me? I’m trying to play djay on my iPad nine and it’s saying it’s not in the correct format. I had a gig the other night and I had to use my iPhone to play my tracks. Somebody please help me thank you.

Hi @DJJohnnyP, can you please provide some more details so I can help you to troubleshoot the problem?

  1. Are these songs that you’ve purchased and downloaded onto your iPad or are you using a streaming service like Apple Music?
  2. What file format are the songs (ex. mp3, flac, wav, etc.)?
  3. How did you load the songs onto your iPad (ex. via iTunes/Music app on a laptop)?
  4. Please share a screenshot of the error message.

A post was merged into an existing topic: I cannot load my soundcloud playlists with a lot of songs