4 decks.

Using the 4 decks but having a problem with the pre cueing. I am not able to listen to a deck through the headphones individually and if turn the headphones off for deck 2 it also stops the output from deck3 and the same with 1&2 decks.

Hi there,

thank you for your post.
Can you tell me which Pre cueing settings you are using for mixing?
Lukas E.

Hi Stephen thorpe,

thank you for the follow up, can you tell us exactly which connectors you use for what purpose and send us a mail via support@algoriddim.com? In that way we can give you in detail support for the issue.

Lukas E.

Hi Luke’s, these are the settings I’m using which give me a. sound. I have the external speakers plugged into my wego3 along with my headphones and the wego plugged into my iMac with the settings on the photos.

is there any chance of a bit of feed back please.