Hi can you add Genres to Automix

Hi there,

thank you for your post!
Yes you can add a genre to Automix via the queue. You do so by going into your library and select a genre. 

  • For djay pro for the MacBook, click on “x Songs” right next to the name of the genre and select “Add All to Queue”
  • For djay pro for the iPad, click on “More…” and select “Add all to Queue”

Now you can start the Automix and listen to your preferred genre.
I hope this helps to explain things!

Keep it up,
Lukas E. 

Hey Lukas,

Replying here instead of in a new post. When using Spotify, is it possible to have match suggestions filtered by genres? For example, I will be playing a trap song and the suggestions I get are all DNB or electro. Is there a way to set it to say hip hop or trap to only get suggestions from that genre?
