playing local spotify files while connected to wireless

Hi -
As you know it is possible to download spotify music to the desktop or iPad. It is clear when using Djay Pro that a wireless connection is required for Djay Pro to use spotify as a source (i.e., it is not possible to play while completely offline).

My question is: If there is a wireless connection but some of the files are available locally via spotify, would Djay Pro use the local file instead of streaming it?

I have found the Djay uses a buffer of unknown size. Try playing a playlist that has already been played in Djay and notice how fast the songs load. If you are playing a gig with sketchy Wi-Fi or you don’t want to use up your wireless hotspot allowance on your phone data plan, pre-load all the tracks you think you will play.

Hi there,

pre-loading Spotify songs is making the next loading procedure faster in fact of the song analysation.

Lukas E.