queued songs grayed out

I load the queue with over a thousand songs which comprise a paylist of music that I play while I sleep. However there is a problem with it that I cannot figue out how to fix.

As you can see, much of the songs in the queue are grayed out, are missing artist info, and have durations of zero. If I try to play the songs by selecting them in the queue, I get a message saying “The Spotify track is not available in your country.” But if I select the same tracks from the menu, they play fine.

I want to use the queue because I can mix songs from my own music library with songs from Spotify and because I get tired of Shuffle favoring one or more songs on two nights back to back.

I am extremely grateful that you provided a solution to this problem so quickly. Thank you very much for doing your users a solid.

No, they are left in the queue from a previous running of the app.

All the time.

Hi Matthew,

are the tracks getting greyed out directly after adding them to the Queue?


Lukas E.

Hi Matthew,

thank you for the follow up. I was able to reproduce your issue and forwarded this issue to the development section.
Could you tell us how often you are experiencing this issue?

Lukas E.

Thank you Matthew OConnor,

we got this on our agenda. Please stay tuned for further updates.


Lukas E.