Can you export History as CSV from DJ Pro AI on Mac OSX?

Old question, but never seen it resolved.

I use DJ Pro AI 4.1.7 on Mac OS Macbook to work out my playlists

Is there any way of exporting my recent history list from DJ Pro AI as csv file?
(Not existing play lists, but recent history).

The export icon does not show up.

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Hey @triffdog ,

Thank you for asking this question here in the Community!

If you want to export your history, you’ll find it in My Library, following the path below:

Screenshot 2021-12-07 at 12.33.11

Screenshot 2021-12-07 at 12.33.36


Couldn’t find this. Does it exist on iOS/ipad version.?

Also can you export a playlist on iOS.?

Oh and one more, if you move a track from iTunes/Mac music (of wtf it’s called, not the streaming service one anyway) playlist a to b on iOS, is there a way to have it sync on desktop


Hi @N_C, this is not supported on iOS. The playlist sync only happens in one direction desktop>iOS.

Down vote. I chose Djay pro because there was a lot of talks about it being ‘the’ app for IOS, but the more I use it the more I find features missing from IOS.

Hi @N_C, thanks for the input. The dev team is continually working hard to bring as much parity as possible across all platforms. Just because this is not currently supported doesn’t mean it cannot one day be added. Please understand however that some things are limited or locked down by the OS. I recommend that you create a new suggestion topic for this feature so other users can upvote it and the dev team can be made aware of user demand for it. Thanks!

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Hi again @N_C, actually it looks like this is possible on iOS. Please refer to this discussion:

Thanks. That’s good. Actually though I discovered it can be done direct from history via share button. So the feature is available and quite simple - if you know where to look.

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