Day mode/night mode

I was at an outdoor daytime festival and had a very difficult seeing the screen. How do I toggle to day mode on DJay Pro AI for MacOS?

At the moment there isn’t such option on the app.
So only way to do it is to do it in macOS side.
Apple menu > System Preferences-> click Accessibility-> click Display ->Invert colors

Ain’t optimal but hoping to see such setting on app itself too.


I do the same with the IPad IOS since they removed the needed day/night feature a long time ago.
I assign the “classic invert” feature" in accessibility to the 3 click home button short cut.

I actually have used it many times live in the middle of playing a track when the sun glare made the screen unreadable.

I guess there must be an easy way to also assign a keyboard short cut in Mac OS.

Algoridfim!!! This is not ideal. Please bring back the old Djay 2 feature that worked well.


Thanks for the suggestion, @djsupe. I’ve passed this request along to our development team for future consideration.

I’ve also moved your topic to the Suggestions category so that you and other users can upvote the request to give us a better idea of the interest from our community. Thanks again!

Any feedback from the developers on this?

@Emily any development status on this?

I too would like a daylight mode. My primary use of the app is for wedding ceremonies or cocktail hours where a full hardware setup is not necessary. These are often outdoors in the sunlight where the screen can be hard to see. The other DJ software I use has this helpful feature.

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Hi @djsupe, Thanks for checking in about this. Our development team is currently looking into adding this feature, but unfortunately I won’t be able to provide a set timeline for when it will be available.

Thanks also to the others on this thread who have reached out with your use case and why you’d like to see this feature implemented. We really appreciate your feedback, and I’ll keep you posted here when I can. Stay tuned!

@emily Looking for an update. Outside events have started back up here in California. Thanks

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Hi @Tony-Lopez, I’ve merged your topic with an existing one. There’s also another topic related to day mode for iOS. This suggestion has already been shared with the dev team for consideration. Thanks!

@Tony-Lopez, personally, on iOS, I simply use the Invert Colors option on my iOS device when I’m DJing in bright environments. I suspect that macOS offers something similar.

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Thanks , but “INVERT COLOURS” is NOT REALLY a SOLUTION ! > that do NOT are have a good QUALITY ! I find it sad to see that USERS have been complaining about this since 2021 and Algoriddim hasn’t finally developed the app accordingly !? > apparently the opinions of professional DJs are not taken into account ? …best regards

Hi @Tony-Lopez, thanks for the addition feedback. No need to YELL though. Sorry that you didn’t find my suggestion helpful. As I said, this has already been communicated to the dev team. Please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so that the team can gauge user demand for this feature. Please also understand that not all suggestions can be implemented for various reasons. Please also refer to this discussion on how our voting system works. Thanks!

@Tony-Lopez I asked for an update a couple of years ago and they failed to reply the last time so I took that as a hint. Glad you got a response. I upvoted then simply switched to other software that provided the option. It is no hard feelings, just the nature of supply and demand. I check back once a year.

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