Expose the modifiers "condition" string in the MIDI mapping UI

I’m well aware of the “Modifiers” feature request, and that’d be super welcome, yet more complex and time consuming to implement.

All I’m asking here, and as a separate request, is to have the XML “condition” string exposed and editable in the MIDI mapping UI. The functionality is there, and in the MIDI backend, we just can’t use it easily. I don’t want to have to edit the Controller Mapping XML every time I need to limit the scope of a button push in the context of the “Selected Deck” (modifier5/6) or the deck pad mode (modifiers 1-4). It’d be so much better, easier and safer to do it from the UI, without risking to mess-up the Controller mapping XML.

The ability to rise modifiers and manage their states requires extensive planning & development, and I can respect that it will take as much time as needs. But there are already pre-built modifiers and states in the app and all it takes is to define the simple condition. Having access to it will make it super easy and useful for more advanced mappings.

Please Algoriddim Team, let us access the Condition string in the UI - either as just a single text filed in the “Advanced” section of the Command mapping UI, or as a pair of a drop-down + text field, where the dropdown will list the set of “modifiers1-X”, and the text field will be for viewing & editing the state value. The risk to mess stuff up with this will be minimal - some command mapping may not work until set correctly. And we anyway have access to the XML, so no much risk of having UI for it too. The validation, should you choose the single text field approach, would be to allow the usage of letters, numbers and “==” to avoid XML injection through the UI.

Please, relief me from having to edit the XML for simple tasks like reading the deck or the pad mode context :grin:. Many, many users will appreciate and enjoy this ability!

I’ve started working on a HOWTO for editing the modifiers. Over time, I will describe the available modifiers and their value settings. Hope this will be OK with the Algoriddim Team.

P.S. Mods, please don’t mix/merge this with the full Modifiers support request/post. This is a very narrow request for a feature with present engine support and relatively low Dev effort with a very high user value. It’s worth to have it tracked separately.


Thanks for the suggestion @Kaloyan. Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.