Feature Request: Autoloop the PREVIOUS X-Bars (Backloop)

I saw a closed topic about this, but it would be life-changing, so I’m starting a new one. It would be AWESOME if you could press the LOOP OUT button (or anything) and it would engage autoloop for the previous 8 bars (whatever # you want). OR if it just treated the start of play as the IN point.

A lot of times, you hear it and then you want to loop it AFTER you hear it. Can’t always predict the future.

When you press PLAY on a pioneer deck, it automatically acts as if you hit the LOOP IN button, so that next time you hit loop OUT, it just goes back to that point. Maybe for DVS if it could just detect where playback started and use that as the IN point.

This would be life-changing and amazing, and I saw the other posts… people want this! Please consider.

Thank you!

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Loop Backwards (backloop)

Merged with existing topic: Loop Backwards (backloop)