Ghost files in Apple Music local Folder

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  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): Macbook Air
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1): 14.6.1
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2): 5.2.3
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro):

Your question:

With the Apple music integration I see “ghost” files in the local area of apple music. Files could not accessed via Finder or Music app (via the right click menu). These files are old audio books, which no longer exists (on harddrive) nor on any list (books, music, tv, …)
Selecting the same folder on Apple Music Cloud - playlist is empty…
I also closed, created temporary library, reopend Apple music - no success.
So my question: where does djay read this kind of information? And how to prevent?


Hi @Andreas_Wierstorf, sorry for the delay reply. I spoke with our engineering team. This information is managed by the Apple Music app. We have read only access to this information and just present what the iTunes framework gives us. The only thing we can suggest is what you already tried by creating a brand new iTunes library and then let Apple Music resync the playlists from the cloud. Unfortunately, this might mess with your local files. Sorry we couldn’t be of more help.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Where is djay getting local music from?

Hi Andreas_Wierstorf and Slak_JawAlgoriddim Staff

I have also noticed these ghost files but I didnt know what to call them,
All these files are duplicates of all my music files, mp3s, mp4s and wavs

Please note these files do not have any file sizes, it just shows “0 mb” They simply show a duplicate of a music file but do not show any file sizes.

these files look like this
(._ ) they have the (dot + underscore) at the front of the file name
like this ( ._Hit em up - 2pac (12s) 92bpm )

I use Serato as my backup DJ software and this never happens when I use Serato,

But I have been noticing these files everytime I load “My Crates” to “DJay Pro”

These files as you said are “Ghost files” cause you cant see them unless I enable show hidden files in windows, I’m not sure how you do this with Mac OS.

The other way I find and delete these files is using “MP3Tag” software
by the way I havent seen any issues with DJay when I delete these files.
does that mean DJay does not need them anymore and should be auto deleted??

So I guess these Ghost files are just reference files that DJay uses?
also these ghost files do not show up in my DJay library.

these ghost files are annoying because when I use my backup tool to backup my external hard drives, these files are also backed up as well, showing my library as double the amount of what it should be,

my currunt fix at the moment is to keep deleting them, 80k+ of these ghost files, it takes a while using “MP3Tag”

I’m wondering is there a easy way?

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Dear @Andreas_Wierstorf and @Slak_Jaw,

I have a similar problem. I managed to solve part of it (the Apple Music Streaming part).
From my own experience, I see two different issues, that may have the same root cause at the end.

  • Streaming Apple Music Library (I may help for this one)
  • Local Files (I have the same issue - A separate question topic has been created - So will not discuss it here, other than confirming you are not alone).

About the Apple Music Streaming Library.

  • If your still have a .itl (iTunes Library) file on your computer, be sure to remove it (if you do not use it anymore) Or for more security, move it first to an external drive, in case something goes wrong and you need it back). Then, check all your other devises connected to iCloud (iPhones, iPads, Apple TV). In my case, some legacy libraries still existed on my Apple TV indeed (check everything that has a library : iMovies, Music, and iTunes. On the Apple TV, there is still a “music” app other than the Music App (there are two music apps, one being the old iTunes i guess).
    In my case, removing these old playlist on Apple TV and a very old iPad (and deleting the .itl file) did indeed clean the Apple Music streaming library in Djay Pro. Also, check on your iCloud for the full list of your connected devises, there might be more old forgotten hardware still hanging there.

About the Local Files.

  • The procedure above didn’t suffice to clean the Local Files. Just like you, I have a bunch of very old “ghost” playlists remaining. A separate post has been created.

The part where I see a possible common root cause is that Djay Pro is probably messing with the old legacy “.itl” iTunes Library, whereas it should (I guess) only use the “.musiclibrary” (the Apple Music Library).

I hope this helps already a bit (for the Streaming part).

Thanks for the additional info @eecy_cee and @Davidv100. I have shared this with engineering and will report back when I have news.

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Thank you Slak_Jaw much appreciated :pray:t3:

Hi again @eecy_cee and @Davidv100, I spoke with engineering again and this is what they had to say after reviewing everything you’ve shared:

We don’t manually read or edit any of the iTunes related database files, be it via the legacy .itl files (iTunes) or the new Music Library.musiclibrary (Apple Music). All our data comes via the system iTunes Library framework - ITLibrary | Apple Developer Documentation. We have no control over what data is returned via this framework and don’t have access/permission to modify it.

It’s possible that something has gone wrong with a macOS process that manages the sync between the Music Library.musiclibrary and Apple Music. We recommend that you contact Apple support with all of the details you’ve shared in this topic to see if they can help to resolve it.

I hope that helps.

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Thank you Slak_Jaw for the prompt reply also yes its been a big help,

I have an inkling it has something to do with me using a external hard drive,

I may have to test this out with having my library on the internal hard drive, But I will get back to you once I test this out.

Thank you Again Slak_Jaw :pray:t3:

You’re welcome @eecy_cee. Please report back here on your findings.

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About the “Local Files” part of the issue, I have posted some additional information in this sister thread : Where is djay getting local music from?

It doesn’t solve it, but it may contain useful info for people facing this issue.

All in all, fwiw, I agree with @Slak_Jaw’s conclusion that the root cause is on Apple’s side.
I still have posted an additional question (request for a confirmation) and a suggestion (fwiw) for Djay Pro in the sister thread about local files.

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