I would be interested as well, is Roughrider used as a plugin if you don’t use a controller?
I’m hoping to get to that point as well. I want to get comfortable enough to use my iPad as my main device. I have to get a few more 4+ hour sessions in before I take it out to a gig.
You can use (plugins in) djay without a controller. You just need to know the GUI and how to navigate it.
Just like any other DAW
Keyboard for an iPad is useless . There’s not a search option to look for tracks I have put on my phone. Unless I’m missing something
I see it a little differently. A keyboard may not be absolutely necessary, but it makes work easier, as is the case when working with the iPad in general. And this is not just about the title search - which of course exists in principle. It’s only for locally stored titles that it really doesn’t seem to exist. I’ve never noticed that before, and in my opinion it’s something that should be added.
Can you explain more about the RoughRider3 plug-in please? How it works, etc
(I love questions like this, because it means the person/people asking have started to really connect with their hearing mechanism)
caution: inexperienced users of compressors and limiters can do significant damage to ears/equipment. Flipping through any presets at full volume is dangerous, so start any experimentation at low volume and don’t crank any of the adjustable parameters to full until you have a better idea of what they do, and you think you have things adjusted to sound good, and then turn up the volume.
The summary above leads me to infer that setting the compressor aggressively, and then using the mix knob to blend some of that “wet” processing into the original track (the “dry”) will help thicken/fatten things up…
note that it is my contention that if you are increasingly relying on tools such as this to achieve your desired sonic signature, it may be time to upgrade your audio interface/monitoring or speaker setup (or perhaps both!
) : “professional” interfaces labelled as such can be/are often surpassed by brands/makes with smaller marketing budgets.
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