Loop Backwards (backloop)

No need for additional settings, all stays as default. Only the ‘unused’ OUT button will finally get a function:

When I press the OUT button then I will set the out point of my loop, that will be instantaneously created, and activated :slight_smile:

This is really a no-brainer IMHO. Cheers!

Where is your OUT button?

I never use that view. :slight_smile:

That’s why I was thinking about a setting that toggles between classic and backlooping. It would be 100% compatible with all hardware too as it simply changes the looping behavior system wide.

I thought about this ages ago (and had forgotten it again) as it is the most intuitive way of looping IMO. In the heat of the moment it is easy to miss the starting point of a loop, but you will always hear it so enabling it afterwards makes a lot of sense.

Especially for spontaneous tracks that you didn’t prepare in advance it would be a life saver…

PS: shouldn’t be hard to implement either.

Totally agree, I would definitely keep “auto loop backward” activated in my system settings :wink: For me it is all about creating mixes on the fly / in the flow. And I use skip/beatjump back a lot (it’s a way of manual backlooping :slight_smile:

A lot of controllers have loop in/out buttons/system so ‘out button backloop’ function should complete the manual loop system.

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Loop backward / backlooping would be a sooo awsome feature. Hoping for it in the next update.

Also found another old thread with this feature request:

Thanks for the suggestion @Joris! I have shared this with the dev team for consideration.

Thank you @Slak_Jaw. Looking forward to further improvement of djay!

I saw a closed topic about this, but it would be life-changing, so I’m starting a new one. It would be AWESOME if you could press the LOOP OUT button (or anything) and it would engage autoloop for the previous 8 bars (whatever # you want). OR if it just treated the start of play as the IN point.

A lot of times, you hear it and then you want to loop it AFTER you hear it. Can’t always predict the future.

When you press PLAY on a pioneer deck, it automatically acts as if you hit the LOOP IN button, so that next time you hit loop OUT, it just goes back to that point. Maybe for DVS if it could just detect where playback started and use that as the IN point.

This would be life-changing and amazing, and I saw the other posts… people want this! Please consider.

Thank you!

Yup. So easy and user friendly.

+1 for backloop. it would be very useful indeed.

This sounds like an awesome idea.


+1 a very simple but effective solution

Hello everyone! I’ve merged a several existing topics into one. If your vote wasn’t carried over in the merge, please recast it at the top left. Thanks!

Also, thanks for the renewed interest in this topic. I will definitely pass this onto the dev team for consideration.

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Pioneer already does this, in my experience. Maybe not exactly as described by myself or some others, but it works and that’s how I know I’m missing it in DJay. This is worth exploring more thoughtfully:

When I press PLAY on my Pioneer XDJ-700s, whether there is a cue point or not, and with no previous settings being turned on, it just automatically sets a LOOP-IN point from where you hit PLAY (if there isn’t a currently active loop). Most of the time, you wouldn’t even know that it happened, it happens in the background. You don’t see anything light up, the loop IN light/button doesn’t start flashing. But in the software, it’s ready for you to hit LOOP OUT. And if you do - viola! You now have a loop that starts where you hit play.

This is fantastic. So many track have an intro that you could use to loop and transition into the next tracks, but it’s very short and it starts on the VERY FIRST downbeat. There’s no other way to capture this. In DJay, I’ve tried cueing up my downbeat and then pressing LOOP IN (before letting the record spin), in anticipation that I might want to use the intro, but I don’t always remember to do this and, for some reason, it doesn’t always “take” and no loop-in point actually gets set. It would be amazing if it was just automatically there - and then, if you like what you hear, you can catch it on the fly. So very very very useful.

I can’t imagine how this would mess up any other workflow, but I’m sure that’s worth due consideration.

Many have suggested that it sets a backward-looking autoloop based on a user-selected value (8 bars, 16 bars, etc), and that could be very useful. But for what I’m describing (what works on my Pioneer gear) it would be critical that the LOOP IN point is automatically set where PLAY started. For DVS, is that tricky? There’s no button press, you just let the record go. Seems to me that could be detected though, and quantized to the nearest downbeat. Perhaps it’s a setting:

Backloop LOOP-IN point is:
• A user-selected number of bars back (value from Autoloop setting)
• Set where playback began.

OK, there’s the deep dive from my point of view. Thanks again, all.


Thanks for merging this and not just closing it. Appreciated! :pray:t3:

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Thank you @Slak_Jaw!

Sounds really promising.

In every new release I’ve tried pressing the LOOP OUT button but it doesn’t have a function… yet :wink:

  1. press LOOP OUT button to:
  2. jump back selected ## beats (autoloop) and
  3. activate autoloop

These are functions that already available. Only need to be assigned to the LOOP OUT button (which has no function currently when autoloop is not active).

Thanks in advance to the Algoriddim team programming this awesome feature!

Thanks for the additional feedback @DavidScottCole and @Joris. I’ll share this with the devs.

In the meantime, there is a bit of an Easter egg right now on macOS: hold SHIFT key while pressing the Loop and it will perform a backwards loop. This is currently only available on macOS though. I hope that helps!

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Thank you very much @Slak_Jaw. That’s exactly the function i’m describing, only under the LOOP button (instead of LOOP OUT button).

But wow! Thanks to the team for implementing! Please consider implementing under the (unused) LOOP OUT button as this will enable seamless integration with controllers, and quicker access to this awesome function (one press vs two press)

Now we’re able to punch loops on-the-fly. So much power and ease in this function!!! :slight_smile:


You’re welcome @Joris. Happy to help!