Newly upgraded to day Pro, my library load time went from 1.5 minutes to over 17 minutes.

Today I finally upgraded from djay 4.2.3 to djay Pro. And right off the bat I’ve run into a problem. With djay 4.2.3, it only took 1.5 minutes for my iTunes library to load into djay so I could start playing. But with djay Pro, it’s taking over 17 minutes to load the same library from the same place. Thinking it might have been a problem with the iTunes XML file, I deleted the old one and made iTunes create a new one. It still took over 17 minutes to load.

Is there any way to fix it so the library loads faster?

Hi Robert,

thank you very much for your post!

Yes that sounds odd, could you please send us your XML-file for further investigations via

Thank you in advance.

Lukas E.

Hi there,

thank you very much, we received your mail with the link to the xml file. We will provide further informations via mail.

Lukas E.

I’ve emailed a link to the file. It was to big for my email server to handle.