Playlist behavior on Mixon 8 Pro: bug or intended?

Is This Playlist Behavior on Reloop Mixon 8 Pro a Bug or Intended Feature? :rotating_light:

Dear Algoriddim team and fellow users,

I’ve noticed (and recorded!) some behaviors related to playlist navigation and selection when using the Reloop Mixon 8 Pro with DJay Pro 5.2.6. I’m unsure if these are bugs or intended features, so I’d like to share my observations for clarification and improvement.

>>I’ve recorded this screen video illustrating these points. :movie_camera:


  1. Playlist Position Reset in the Main Panel :arrows_counterclockwise:
  • When navigating through the playlist sections (Left Directory > Main Playlist > Right Sidebar) using the rotary button, the position in the Main Playlist resets to the first track after switching to another section and returning.
  • In contrast, the Right Sidebar remembers its position. This inconsistency feels unintuitive. Ideally, the Main Playlist should also remember its position, even when navigating away and back.
  1. Inability to Select Certain Tracks in the Sidebar :no_entry_sign:
  • In the Sidebar, when using the rotary button, some tracks cannot be selected directly, especially when viewing related tracks in the Info Tab.
  • For example, a highlighted track (e.g., “La Bonita”) cannot be loaded or interacted with directly. Instead, I need to use the mouse :computer_mouse: or drag and drop it, which disrupts the workflow.
  1. Related Tracks Loading Incorrectly :warning:
  • I Click on the Rotary Button doesn’t lead to the 3th Info Panel when the Info Tab is selected. Als when attempting to load a related track from the Info Tab, the wrong track often loads. For instance, if I highlight “It’s a Man’s World” but attempt to load it, the software instead loads a different track from the list (e.g., “It’s Raining Men”).

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Remember Playlist Position: Ensure the Main Playlist remembers its position like the Right Sidebar does.
  • Direct Selection from Sidebar: Allow tracks in the Sidebar (including related tracks) to be selected and loaded directly when highlighted.
  • Correct Loading Behavior: Fix the behavior where the wrong track loads from the Info Tab when a related track is selected.

I’ve recorded this screen video illustrating these points. :movie_camera: I hope this feedback helps improve the software’s functionality and user experience.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and insights!

Best regards,
DJ Big Blender :headphones:

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, thanks for the detailed info.

#1 is a known behavior and you can upvote the suggestion here: Changing Playlists - Jumping to top of Playlist

#2/3 seems like a bug. I’ve shared this with engineering for further review.

Thanks for reviewing my observations and video so quickly—great to hear that #2 and #3 are likely bugs that I managed to uncover!

Regarding #1, I understand that developers consider this existing behavior, but it doesn’t feel very intuitive to me (or to many others, as seen in the “Suggestion” post from @djleokar). I believe user experience should take priority over what developers think is acceptable.

It’s especially odd that the Right Sidebar remembers its state while the Main Playlist does not, (so it looks like 'expected behavior isn’t that strict).

It’s very disappointing to see that this issue was originally reported by @djleokar over 4 years ago, back in February 2020. Despite 22 upvotes (including mine, a long time ago), 24 replies, and your efforts to merge related suggestions, it still hasn’t been addressed or changed.

This feels like an improvement that would require minimal effort but have a significant impact on user satisfaction. I hope it can still be considered for implementation in the near future!

You’re welcome @DJ_Big_Blender. Thanks for the additional input. As I said above, this has been reported to the dev team and they are looking further into potentially changing this behaviour. Thanks!

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