Question / Problem with Gain

  • Device model 2024 iPad Air 5th Gen)*:
  • Hardware/controllers used DDJ FLX10

Hi all,
my problem is that I frequently (25% of tracks) have to adjust the volume of the tracks I play with the Gain knob. Otherwise they would be too loud or too silent.
My expectation, derived from experiences with other DJ Software, is that when I switch on “Auto Gain” I do not have to worry about the volume. Instead, I frequently have to adjust the gain levels which I find cumbersome.

My settings in Djay are:
Audio Limiter is switched ON
Auto Gain is switched ON
Manually set Gain: I do not experience any difference when I adjust the gain and reload track; still not correct
Headroom: -6db

Or is it normal in Djay Pro to check any song before playing regarding the volume??
My objective would be that ALL tracks play at about 80% of max volume without manual interverntion.
Any hints?

I use 320 MP3 Files that are freshly downloaded and not manipulated with MP3Gain or any other 3rd party software.

Hi @turbopussy, thanks for the details about your setup and the issue - this is very helpful. I would recommend that you try the following settings and see if it helps:

  1. Audio Limiter > OFF
  2. Auto Gain > ON
  3. Save and Restore Manually Set Gain Values > OFF

Test like this for a while, and if you still find yourself having to adjust the Gain for certain songs, try turning Save and Restore Manually Set Gain Values > ON. Then go back to the songs that you noted earlier, and set the Manual Gain accordingly. These will then be remembered the next time you load those songs and you shouldn’t need to adjust them again.

If you are mainly using Local Music files, then you could also consider using something like Platinum Notes to “Normalize” all of your songs to a similar level. Note, that if you go this route, you will likely lose any saved Hot Cues and Loops because the files will be different. I hope that helps!

Thanks @Slak_Jaw for outlining this options.
However, what noticed during my last gig, was the following problem:
With„Restore manually set gain levels ON“, 80% of my tracks were ok in terms of volume but ~ 20% were too silent. Here is the issue: When I tried to adjust the volume with the channel gain knob, there was a massive instant volume increase which of course was audible. How can I avoid this?

Hi @turbopussy, at the moment you have 2 options for this.

  1. Stop using Autogain if you feel like you still need to manually adjust the gains during your set.
  2. Modify the MIDI mapping for your controller and enable Pickup Mode for your gains. With Pickup Mode enabled, you will have to move the physical gain knobs on your hardware to match the onscreen gain knob positions before the value adjusts. This is similar to how soft takeover works with Tempo Faders.

Also, the dev team is already looking into making improvements when using auto gain and manual gain together. Please refer to the linked suggestion topic below: Handling Auto-Gain gives sudden level differences

Hi @turbopussy,

Thanks again for pointing out the need to improve how gain is handled in Djay.

Since I submitted the "Handling Auto-Gain Better" suggestion back in June '24, it has received a lot of support. Fortunately, Algoriddim is finally looking into improving this and aligning it more with how other DJ software like Traktor and Rekordbox handle gain.

In the meantime, I’ve implemented the ‘Pickup Mode’ method as described, which helps a little in terms of sudden big jumps, but is giving other problems and so still far from ideal.

Since you’re adjusting level differences in almost 20% of cases, I’m curious about the type of music you play. Could you share more about the genres you’re working with? Different genres can vary significantly in terms of level and energy.

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender , indeed I play multi genre music (house, 80s, 90s, no techno)[quote=“DJ_Big_Blender, post:6, topic:34029, full:true”]
Hi @turbopussy,

Thanks again for pointing out the need to improve how gain is handled in Djay.

Since I submitted the "Handling Auto-Gain Better" suggestion back in June '24, it has received a lot of support. Fortunately, Algoriddim is finally looking into improving this and aligning it more with how other DJ software like Traktor and Rekordbox handle gain.

In the meantime, I’ve implemented the ‘Pickup Mode’ method as described, which helps a little in terms of sudden big jumps, but is giving other problems and so still far from ideal.

Since you’re adjusting level differences in almost 20% of cases, I’m curious about the type of music you play. Could you share more about the genres you’re working with? Different genres can vary significantly in terms of level and energy.