Reloop Buddy Headphone Cue Not Working with Crossfader FX

Any news on solving this issue

  • Device model 2022 iPad pro
  • Version of djay 5.1.2)
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Buddy):

Hi @FedeBunge, this is still a known limitation with CFX. As explained in the original post this is a complex issue to address. Thanks.

Hi Slak, thanks for answering. Do you have a target date for this to be address?


You’re welcome @FedeBunge. No, there is no target date for this. In the meantime, it’s recommended that you disable CFX when you need to monitor in your headphones then enable when you’re done pre-cueing. Thanks.

Maybe you can create an extra button to do this while is press on… Temporarily disable CFX pre cue and then come back to the original setting. If not you have to do a couple of clicks to dis engage CFX, pre cue, and come back to CFX…

Which post is that? Thanks.
