Serato Crate Import discussion

Since 5.1.2 added the ability to import serato crates that are external. Thanks for adding that.

  1. How long does it take on your end if you have used it.

I have a Samsung T7 external SSD and about 80000 music files on it and it takes close to 4 hours to import the crates.

  1. The Import crate task is done in the DJAY/PLAYLIST tab but the old CRATES tab is still there. Seems a bit unintuitive. I feel it should be in the crates tab and then if needed one could add to playlists
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Thanks for the suggestion! I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

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Oh yes! They shoulda just fixed the "My Crates section of library so that it remains independent and “LIVE” for both internal and external drive crates! such that whenever I wish to change i just click there, just like we can optinally swap from My Collections to Music.

Thanks for putting this up. I just needed to input my experience today and I may follow this up with a question to @Slak_Jaw in a bit.
I just did the import of my 15000 video tracks serato library on my 2TB T5 samsung and it took (literally) forever (sorry i didn’t time it but could be just about (or over) 4hrs!) - i had the time though.

What I didn’t like:

  1. It was importing (and duplicating) tracks from the same source that were already in my collection, so I had to initally stop the process, and delete my old djay library file into a backup folder first)…otherwise i was gonna end up with a 30,000 track lbrary!
  2. The new playslits it created contained additional playlists that have the name of a crate folder in serato. Meaning every serato crate folder becomes not only a folder but also a playlist in the same folder, This i think is a bug that needs reporting…
  3. I lost all my keys (I had to re-analyze the entire new “My Crate” playlist folder that it created. Not nice because the analysis took another 4+hrs! It’s still analyzing as i type this but 90% done though…which leads me to another point: why can’t I tell djay to only analyse for keys? I already have bpm and grid from serato!

What I don’t know but hope for:
If I change my serato library (like add crates, or new loops/cues), and I re-import my crates, will it duplicate itself, or just merge the changes cumulatively? And this is the question for Algoriddim team.

Should be very minor efforts to enable the serato integration to read external sources. (daw) enabled this very recently, which means the serato database is readable on external sources.

I use both serato and djay where serato is my master library management, as it supports mixed in key and integrates with both and djay keeping the same keys.

Just need Algoriddim to support external disk which will eliminate the need to replicate to my local disk

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Thanks for the additional feedback @Armigo and @Kasper. I’ve shared this with the devs.


I totally agree @Armigo and @Kasper, DJ Studio just read the crates wherever they are stored, thats the only drawback for me in DJay Pro, I have invested to much time in my Serato crates top start over in a next software. Wish all the DJ software had a standard filing system that all platforms could read,

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Is there any size limitation on importing crates? I’m helping a fellow DJ with a HUGE Serato database and it’s crashing.

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Undocumented anywhere but, ya, my 15000 track serato library on the day i imported was crashing too whenever i deleted a few duplicate crates. Every 3rd or 4th deletion causes a crash,consistently

Hi DJ Mavewave.

I have almost 90k files with duplicates its 122k all up, I purposely have duplicates in my Serato crates cause I make different playlists, but thanks to DJay it ignores duplicates and gives you the exact amount of files,

I have my music collection on an external hard drive and I’ve found a way thats easy for me to load my Serato crates to DJay. Still doing a lot of testing but will get back to you when I perfect it.

I know its easy to add your crates if your music library is on your internal laptop hard drive.