Tidal Hi-Fi does it actually work?

So the question rather is: what audio engine is used?

Is it easier to just use what operating system provides or buy audio engine X from company Y and pay ZZZZZ €/year?

So in macOS:

And what if there is no other option in iOS than use what iOS provide, not even possible to install 3rd party one?

The os players don’t provide all the audio trickery that needs to be done in a DJ app. Normally you’d convert any audio into a linear (uncompressed) stream, which makes it easy to jump around the file and do all the math that needs to be done.

The players won’t need that stuff, but that doesn’t tell what OS provided engine can do …

You can be sure beat syncing isn’t on the table.

And Algo most likely licensed the time stretching technology for example. Like almost everyone on the market.

And Algo most likely licensed the time stretching technology for example. Like almost everyone on the market.

Most probably true. And if they have licensed something, that licensing agreement might define what Algo can tell customers and what not. So we won’t get info if it is defined as classified on those licensing agreements.

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Take a breath, and a sip of a beverage, and sit down:

algoriddim’s djay comes with an audio engine that you license that works with MacOS/iOS etc.

This was the question…what are the limitations of the algoriddim engine? (this is also why the devs have more focus on Apple products than supporting windows and android…those are at least 2 other engines that have to be written/maintained…)

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Happy new year to everyone!

@Myalteredsoul did you end up checking this out yet? Also hoping we will be getting further info regarding this from Algoriddim :sweat_smile:

So Tidal HiFi gives us better output. Do the Tidal masters have even better quality output above HiFi tracks? How does DJ AI handle Dolby Atmos tracks?

That’s subjective, but I am a DSD/MQA fan. (technologically, I find it simpler and more elegant in most ways, and that translates into higher fidelity to my ears. YMMV). Remember though: it’s not the hammer, it’s the carpenter and quality of their materials.

Theoretically, the atmos encoding SHOULD pass through dJay’s engine for decoding downstream. I’ve no atmos-certified equipment to test that supposition, and I’ve never seen it published/promoted anywhere. algoriddim would probably have to get the engine certified by dolby to be able to promote it, and that would mean passing on the licensing fees to us…Same with MQA…but MOST folk listening won’t be able to tell they’re hearing to audiophile calibre sound. Immersive audio…well, that’s a whole other can of worms and we can have that convo via DM if you’d like.

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I did. There is some high end roll off on tidal hifi tracks through the djay pro app that isn’t there on the tidal desktop app. It’s not significant enough for the average user to notice, though.

There does seem to be a bit of coloring on a 1:1 comparison between playing wavs through djay app and playing them from media player hc as well. There seems to be some floating dynamics (variations in DNB level throughout the track of about 0.5-1db). This is only with keylock engaged. Turning off keylock eliminates this issue. Again, something no one would really notice without measuring it.

Sorry it took so long to respond. I wanted to test between a few different mixers to be sure it was app related and not mixer related. Tested on a djm750 mk2 (using an audio 10 as the interface), xone 96, djm s7, and Reloop elite.


I hear this too. Streaming through Tidal app itself outperforms streaming the same quality source through Djay. The difference is reduced if you disable ALL signal processing in Djay i.e. no gain, no eq, no limiter, nothing. But I can still hear the difference. This is why I wonder if Djay is just blanket resampling / normalising the bit depth of everything to a consistent internal standard, which is realistically what anything that mixes different tracks together digitally is going to be forced to do in order to send a single stereo stream to a DAC, and which is also not necessarily 44.1/16 and what I am hearing is the artefacts resulting from that. I am not so hung up on sound quality that I desperately want CD quality out of DJ equipment but I certainly don’t want to be selecting source that in theory is higher quality to begin with but ends up sounding worse because it’s been immediately converted to 48/24 internally (in which case I’ll stick with 320kps AAC internally).