Unable to search in Files library source

So I noticed there’s a search whenever you use one of the streaming folders like Beatport etc but when I’m using my own files there is no search function or maybe I’m not seeing it?

Hi @Timothy_Refile, please use search before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this existing one. This is currently a known limitation. Please cast your vote at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

i am also WAITING for the search option to be added for to local files.
how is it possible for a DJ not to have this option ?

Djay Staff - please take in mind that this is the main reason I’m considering to switch and work with another software.

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Any update on this?

I’m upgrading my iPad and I was looking at the price for an iPad with 512 GB and then thought I could just use an external drive but then realized actually I couldn’t. Is there any way of iTunes reading and external drive and not getting through to DJ pro app?