What am I doing Wrong? (Sync & Tempo)

Man, I LOVE DJay. I’m using version 5.2.4 on iOS (iPhone 14 Pro). I use two Technics 1200 MK5s for my vinyl. Denon X1850 Prime mixer. I love the DVS and the stems and so much more. Great stuff. And I’ve played a couple gigs that went off perfectly - really great.

But a lot of times when I’m at home practicing, I run into some goofy problems and I’m scared to death that this will happen at a gig - I have a double header next week and this is killing me.

Most frustrating relate to tempo and sync.

  1. A track is playing on Deck 1. Sync is OFF. I get a track all set up and looping on Deck 2 - beat-matched by ear and all set to go. Same tempo. Then I hit SYNC on deck 2, just to keep it locked in for a nice long transition without worrying about it drifting. Sometimes - way too often - the tempos of both tracks start going all over the place. Deck one will go DOWN by like 3-7 BPM, which is just insane. Deck 1 shouldn’t move AT ALL, if I am syncing Deck 2 to deck 1 - right?? God, that sucks when that happens. Suddenly the PLAYING (master channel) track just drops in tempo like 5 bpm. You can hear it and you can see the BPM ticking down like a plane in a nosedive. What a disaster. And deck 2 was already at the right speed. Should have been as easy match. What’s going on here?

  2. Besides that - sometimes - basically the same setup, I get them beatmatched, I have a loop going, they are synced, it’s all good. I start to fade up deck 2, and the the sync just falls apart. Deck 2 is going all up and down, hunting for a match or something, just making an utter disaster of the mix. Sometimes Deck to starts playing backwards during this! Not often, but it has happened more than once. These are all electronically-produced tracks by the way. Perfect grids. No live drummers. And I keep my needles VERY clean. I pick the lint off the needle and brush the vinyl after EVERY transition. I know that dirty needles causes a bunch of problems, but I have figured that out and all good now.

So what is going on?? It’s a total deal killer and so frustrating. Often… this doesn’t happen. But way too often it does.

I feel like I have no real knowledge of which deck is the MASTER deck, and it doesn’t seem to matter either way, because at any point either one of them can change the tempo of the other - even after they are well matched and just cruising. In fact… once I hade SYNC totally OFF on both decks… I dropped the needle on deck 2 and deck 1 synced to it anyway! Swear to god. I watched it happen, it changed by like 4BPM in response to deck 2 starting playing. Feels like it’s all very willy-nilly and not under my control as the user.

• SYNC TYPE is BPM and Beats
• TEMPO RANGE is 16%

What else can I tell you? Any insights?

I gotta reply to my own problem here. Seems much better (so far, after just 10 minutes of trying this) when I turn “RESUME SYNC AFTER…” to OFF.

Does that sound like it would make sense to anyone? Is this a known thing? It is detecting slight anomalies in the TT speeds and turning sync OFF and then turning it back ON again - causing “hunting” and unexpected results with which deck is the master?

I did a little experiment, turned this feature off and I can say I’m much happier (so far, small data set). I noticed that sometimes - with this setting ON, SYNC just turns itself off for seemingly no reason" (I know there is some reason, but it is not apparent). I intentionally bumped one of my TTs and that did it too. What is it detecting? What triggers it to turn SYNC of by itself… like what OTHER things? Maybe it has something to do with that. Moving the TT’s pitch fader doesn’t do it. But bumping the table does.

The settings list it as RESUME SYNC AFTER PAUSE, SCRATCH or CUE JUMP and I can verify that all of these actions (and lifting the needle, etc) do indeed turn SYNC off when this setting is OFF. And the don’t when it is ON. Maybe this is at the heart of the matter…

One more note on this… EITHER tempo fader will change the tempo of BOTH decks, when sync is on… so I’m not sure that there is ever really a master deck. Expect maybe when you first turn it on. That does seem to only adjust the slave deck.

I read this…

And I get it. That makes sense as to how I also agree it should work.

But don’t you think that the changing the speed of the TT on the slave deck would just turn off sync? Seems like only the master tempo should affect the other one, and not the other way around. Or is that just how it is meant to work and that’s a feature, not a bug?