What parameters need to be specified to display Metadata tags in djay?

This is about the metadata (meta tags) for music files. Could you tell me what parameters I need to specify to display them in djay pro 5.2.3?

For instance,
We’ve got the metadata (meta tags) for the Comment field, and it’s showing up as expected. We’ve also got the Artist field and the Track name field, which are displayed.

What should I put in the file metadata (meta tags) so that the program will display it?

I’m particularly interested in the Rating, Group and Colour fields.

For instance, If I add the RATING field to the mp3 file metadata (meta tags) and set the value to 5, I’ll be able to see this value in DJUCED and in some music players.
If I add the <DJUCED_RATING_DATA> field to the metadata (meta tags) of an FLAC file and set the value to 4 (4 star rating), I’ll only see this value in DJUCED.

I just wanted to check: is there any field for metadata (meta tags) in the file that will display in djay pro 5.2.3 when I add it?

This would be really helpful for working with a large media library and transferring some fields (metadata values) from one programme to another.

I’ve got a great example document here that shows you exactly what fields you need to add to your metadata files so that they’ll display perfectly in DJUCED DJ software!

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Is there a way we can make sure all the tags we add to the program are included in the file’s meta tags, like rating, colour, group, and so on?

I’m so happy to say that I found a way to make the ‘Grouping’ meta tag display and editable!

I use the lovely mp3tag program for editing.
I’ll show you how to set up an additional field group for displaying and editing in this programme in the screenshots.

I’m still looking for the =Rating= field, though.
I also use foobar2000 (Windows) for listening, selecting tracks and tagging. In this programme you can add your own meta tags or edit existing ones.
I’m still looking for how to display =Rating=!


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I think there is only support for the ID3v1 (and ID3v2) tag fields
(ID3v1 - Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase):

  • song title
  • artist
  • album
  • year
  • comment
  • genre
  • cover (?)

All other tags are skipped and not read at all.

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In my example, I showed mp3 files with Tag Type ID3v1 and ID3v2.

I’m still inclined to believe that these tags may not be visible because djay pro works through iTunes. To make them visible, you may need to install iTunes and scan the whole library. That’s my best guess, but I could be wrong.
It’s not the best solution, but I think it would be best to wait for an official answer or a program update.

I installed iTunes on Windows and added a folder of files. After scanning in iTunes, the meta tags appeared, but only if I opened the library through the iTunes section in djay pro.

Just a heads-up: iTunes doesn’t support FLAC, so you won’t see those files in djay pro under iTunes icons (folder)

As I mentioned earlier, DJ Pro works best when used with iTunes, except for FLAC support.

If you want to get meta tags from a music collection without iTunes and FLAC support (so that the meta tags are visible), you need to ask the developers to think about changing the policy of working through iTunes.

It’s surprising that djay pro understands and shows the BPM, Arist, and Title meta tags, but not the RATING or COMMENT ones.

The RATING meta tag won’t appear until you set it again in iTunes, which is a bit of a hassle.

I’d like to see the option to read the meta tags directly from the local file, rather than through third-party libraries. This is something that other DJ programs allow.

So far, this is the most painful issue – meta tags, when switching from other DJ programs to djay pro 5.
There’s been some confusion with meta tags, installing iTunes on Windows which doesn’t accept FLAC, and no display of the “Rating” tag.
We’re really looking forward to an update of the program to learn to read meta tags directly from the file, as it is done in other programs.

The problem with taggin is that the tag specification is old.
When operating systems, mp3 players etc evolved a lot of people/companies started to add non-standard things before the specification changed.

At least how I read this specification
there is no official tag field for “RATING”.
As you can see also from the DJUCED specification.

Issues may arise, when the audiofile tag fields are messed up.
I’ve seen files where there are both ID3v1 tags and ID3v2 tags.
In such case, which “comment” field should be read and shown if they aren’t the same?

In windows, I use mostly mp3tag. It has a huge set of functionality.

Also https://onetagger.github.io/ is worth checking.

Also there are tools, which can be used to verify integrity of the mp3 files.

If I remember correclty the ID3v2 added the optionality to defin totally your own tags, this means that
like in your case “DJUCED” is using specific fields for their own use, same for iTunes, Traktor etc…

Even if there’s no official ‘Rating’ field in the spec, you can still add it to the programme. If the user has added this field to the metadata themselves, the programme will read and display these fields.
The same goes for the ‘Rating’ field – pretty much all DJ programmes read it, except for djay Pro 5.
As I mentioned earlier, the issue with the Windows version is using iTunes. If you take a look at the XML file for the iTunes library, which is where djay pro gets its data from, you’ll see there’s a rating field there too. The only difference is that 5 stars is 100, 4 stars is 80, 3 stars is 60, and so on. In other programs, it’s 5 - 5, 4 - 4, 3 - 3, and so on.

Other DJ programmes can write metadata directly into the file itself, which is really handy. You can transfer this file to another computer and we’ll keep all the CUE points, rating and other specific data needed for the DJ programme.

I was wondering what fields I should write in the meta tags for the file so that djay pro can read them. I also use mp3tag, which has the option to add your own meta tag fields.

I use foobar2000 under Windows too, where I have set up custom meta data fields that can be edited quickly. These fields are displayed in the above-mentioned DJ programmes, except for djay pro (because of iTunes). iTunes doesn’t accept FLAC, which is another problem with displaying meta tags in djay pro.

And… djpro follows the default specification of ID3 tag’s.

Based on my testing, it will only read&write ID3v1 tags from files:

  • song title
  • artist
  • album
  • year
  • comment
  • genre

And I won’t use iTunes, trying to stay away from it as long as I can.
I have no clue what data is read from iTunes library.
I don’t care at all what internal info or data iTunes stores for each song.

I only care what info is read and written from each file.

First we need to get understanding of what data is read & write from each file and from each file format. Only after that we can request what other metadata is useful to read from iTunes or maybe importing RecordBox, Traktor, etc specific fields.

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And yes… there is DJCU to do the trick

Hi @Zirrex, I discussed this with engineering. As you’ve discovered iTunes stores it’s own rating values and does not read/write it to the ID3 tags. We can look into improving the support for these tags on Windows, although this will be just for the My Collection source, as for any other media sources we use the data that is provided by the relevant data source.

Good news… But the questions still remain.

Why can’t djay pro read the RATING meta tag in an mp3 file and display it as stars?

Why not create your own meta tags, e.g. for flac files, so that the user can write them into the file and djay pro can read and display them? How is this done in DJUCED?

In another forum post, I demonstrated that other DJ software can read the ‘Rating’ field in the mp3 file and display it without any issues, regardless of whether the operating system is Windows or macOS.

Hi Slak_Jaw

Just thought i ask on this same topic. So this metadata matrix here:

yes it is a few years old now and currently I’m using M4A file.

Is there a way to enable the rating on IOS devices? or read from yet?
Which topic do i need to vote to get it higher in the implementation please :slight_smile:

Hi @PoyTB, I believe this is the topic you are looking for: