Djay Pro/Spotify Cache

Even if they negotiated it the venue killer would probably be the fact that end users are not permitted to use at any venues.

There are certainly ways it could be done via royalties and such but your best bet at this point may be to read the T&C’s in spotify’s end user agreement. It is not like this is NOT possible at all… Just not with Spotify. This is precisely why Serato dj, rekordbox & pcdj went with pulselocker but then again they are geared toward professional djing while djay pro is for the most part for fun and hobbyists. Not trying to be offensive just stating algoriddim is probably fully aware who their target audience is and when the juice is worth the squeeze. By all means would love for a rep to jump in here and confirm but a.) we will hear nothing we don’t know already and b.) even IF there was some development here they would NOT be authorized to say here until it was publicly announced due to NDA’s and such. I myself prefer Spotify over pulselocker fot everyday uses but PL is absolutely getting the job done when playing live fwiw.

Yeah. In their defense (Algoriddim) they were the first to “really” make streaming relevant in the dj realms. VDJ does not count here as they failed to stop and think about whether what they were doing was legal and got in a TON of hot water over it. This is just how VDJ is though whether it be hacking the NV screens, supporting every device under the sun or just automating every aspect of DJing there is. Whatever not gonna waste time breaking them down as they are what they are and plenty of people swear by them. Not here to change minds only shine light on the “bigger picture”. In this case it brings us directly to Pulselockers door and I hope they (Algoriddim) either offer PL integration as well or continue to hammer away at Spotify to update their terms etc.

Let’s just hope for the best as Spotify IMO is unbeatable IMO. It ties your everyday life into your professional life and in terms of time saving/playlist curating this is a LIFESAVER!!

Vdj just added deezer and Spotify as well as pacemaker, serato pyro but none offer the option to download being this is against Spotify’s end user agreement. Nothing algoriddim, vdj or serato can do about it.

320 is just a number. A music file can sound horrible encoded at 320, wav or flac just as easily as 96 even. Not that I would recommend but if you know what you are doing you can achieve great sounding files at even 160 etc. as an example the human ear can not hear an audible difference between iTunes files and 320 on most sound systems yet the files are 3/4 (approx) the size when not lossless.

Did you consider checking the user manual of VDJ? It has been added to most current early release version. Search the forums over there for more info unless you have VDJ in which case check for yourself…

VDJ never really had Spotify support. They more or less hacked the Spotify integration. I heard this from day one didn’t fully believe it but this is apparently true. Another direct sign this was always true was their "the current licensing terms of Spotify do not allow the streaming or caching of 2 tracks simultaneously. " comment which we all (here at Djay) know this to be 100% BS. If you also noticed the loading times for Spotify within VDJ8 was only 1.5x while deezer & PL loaded almost instantly. Another issue Djay does not suffer from. As always shame on VDJ. They learned NOTHING from their grooveshark days… Always concerned with what they CAN do they never stop to think what they SHOULD do. This is the main reason you will not see offline Spotify support here at Djay. I say kudos to Algoriddim for not giving into individuals who could not care less about the end user agreements they made the days they signed up with Spotify etc. They care so little about Algoriddim they are demanding they breach their agreements with one of their partners and risk losing their main selling point…

So to be absolutely clear. Tracks are pulled into djay live, from spotify (matching the track thats in your app library)… it then caches that track.

Will the application pull bulk tracks / playlists or is it track by track only (which would mean at 320 mp3 this would be extremely unstable)…

Many thanks, I’m clear now :slight_smile:

One more question, this time around higher bit rate. I can see I have the ability to select MP3 320 on my Mac Pro. Is this also available if I decide to use an iPad (i.e. IOS). I think I read somewhere it is only possible on Mac. Thanks.

Thanks Ivan…

I just read that actually the new version, reviewed today allows 320, is that right?

I read that a some tracks pulled into to the app cached and remained. Id be interested to know how many and if it was stable. Obviously the implications for caching 50 or 100 tracks a time are huge as would allow ‘offline’ performance.

I have another question. If playing on an IOS (Pad) - is an air connection good or does it have to be wifi?

This is interesting. Did you have any success loading that many tracks and test how long they remained. Obviously if this work around allows to cache a set for even a night its viable for performance anywhere…

When playing playlists from spotify that you’ve made available offline, does Djay still stream these songs, or does it play from the local cache file while obtaining permission thru internet access back to spotify? I am curious if I run in to low bandwidth places that my offline playlists can still be accessed without streaming issues.

djay has to cache the playing tracks already, so it has its own cache. it should also support longer term caching of certain playlists, just like spotify, without using spotify’s “sandboxed” caches.

people play music many places with little or no internet. djay isn’t really viable without this feature. spotify knew this and offline caching was prioritized from the get-go.

exactly, making it viable for bedroom DJs. great product.

djay caches track-by-track from any song on spotify*. the application does not cache/pull bulk tracks or playlists. the cache does not persist between opening and closing the app. however, tracks do not seem to be flushed from the cache immediately upon the track being removed from a channel. this suggests that you could do some manual, track-by-track precaching, but even if you did rigorous testing, the cache seems to volatile to trust.

* you can search spotify and play any track. you are not limited to your own playlists, although they are visible.

Yes in DJ Pro for ipad go to Settings\Library\Spotify and you can do 96k, 160k or 320k

in DJ Pro for ipad you now can make it default