Djay Pro Windows 10 mapping problem

I bought and downloaded Djay Pro from the Windows 10 store but since it is from the Windowds appstore, it doesn’t have a folder for it’s own. Only the app.

I found a MIDI mapping folder for my Hercules P32 after trying to configuring and setting up all the buttons manually, which is a pain in the ass, since the Hercules P32 isn’t supported by Djay Pro.
But can you download and use MIDI Mappings on Djay Pro (Windows edition)?

The downloaded file is from this site…

You can find it under MIDI mapping.
It’s a .zip file. With a .pdf file with instructions and information about the settings.

I’m quoting this.

copy “Hercules P32 DJ.djayMidiMapping” to “~/Library/Containers/com.algoriddim.djay-pro-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Algoriddim” folder

As you can see by the mac/Data/Library this is for a mac. Not Windows.

Is there a way to still use that MIDI mapping file OR any other mapping file on Djay Pro Windows 10 edition?
Cause as I mentioned it before. I can’t just follow the instructions on the .pdf file of Hercules, since there is no folder for Djay Pro Windows edition.

Hello mate, if is still important the folder where to put your mappings file is
C:/Users/[YOURUSER]/AppData/Local/Packages/XXXXXXX.djayPro_XXXXXXXXXXXXX/LocalState/Library/Algoriddim/MIDI Mappings
where XXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXXX are two alphanumeric random strings.
Hope it helps.

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