djay should integrate with Spotify.

would be great!

who Else has all their music on Spotify? integrate spotify for djay on Iphone/iPod touch and iPad!! :slight_smile:

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Spotify integration for djay on iDevices.

I would love djay to compatible with Spotify music… What do you think about this ?
Could or would it ever be made possible ?

Thanks Tom

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
djay an Spotify a match made in heaven?.

It there a way of having a vote or finding out how many people would want this ?
I know of at least 10 people that are very interested in buy and using Djay but they only use spotify as a music source.

Come on algoriddum SORT IT OUT!!!

Algoriddum team what are the chances of this happening ???

Hi Warren

Thanks for replying to my post ! I understand that you can’t say what ya up to. Have a look at the software below. Super tec softwear makers like your self would easily be able to embed Spotify in to Djay. Just looking at numbers, Spotify has around 4 million users. If 1% bought Djay thats 40000 copys and loads a $£€£££ for you! Come on ya know it makes sense !!…

I would love it if Spotify could be implemented with Spotify and if there could be an option to have 3 decks instead of 2 for samples etc. I hope you can implement 3 decks as it would be a much better app.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Implement with Spotify & 3 decks.

Hi, when can we expect Spotify, Soundclud and Amazon-Cloud integration or access to offline spotify data?

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Spotify and soundclud Integration.

Bonjour à tous,

Est-il possible d’utiliser des Playlist SPOTIFY ou DEEZER avec cette application.
Merci de votre reponse

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For hi to work well you would need to download all your tracks ahead of time.

I think, Algoriddim, if you are not going to do it, someone else will. The number of Spotify users rapidly increases at the moment. Great marketing tool too.

Look DJ’s have 1000’s of songs and we want to access them via wifi. All we need is a sweet DJ program that will integrate with all these personal clouds. Please do something quick so that we can all experience these app to the fullest extent. Moreover, with vjay as well. Also have it play karaoke files. Sounds like a tall order but do it and you will have a mint!

DJ Jay

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
DJay should integrate with polkast, homesharing, or spotify.

+1 for this!

I’m looking for a DJ app on the iPad at the moment and Spotify integration is something I’m specifically looking for, the first company to provide this will get my custom :slight_smile:

Rdio too!

I have bought djay tot mix the songs on spottily,can you get spottily or djay to work together?

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Can i use spottily on my djay?.

Yess when is it going to HaPPEN!!

I bought this app and I find it amazing. But ifonly it had Deezer (or Spotify ) integration like edjing app ( ).
Every song you want to mix is accessible to you, without the need to have it on your iTunes library.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Deezer and Spotify integration.

it may be the best player if djay support spotify ( pre acc ) cus we maynot have enough music to play always and spotify has a mil of songs…

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
support spotify please!!!.

Strange, a three year old thread and not a single comment from algoriddim staff!

The strength of forums/social media is that a company gets closer to its market, to its customers but apparently doesn’t algoriddim read its own forum or they don’t give a shit what the customers are asking for.

I’m also a heavy user of Spotify and don’t want to download the mp3-files to my iPad.

Does anyone know a dj-app that is integrated with Spotify?


Jari & Misael, thanks for the tips! pacemaker is absolutely OK for me as an amateur, playing on parties with friends but still wants to be semi-professional. I have been waiting for a looong time that Algoriddim should act but unfortunately nothing happens.

I’m moving over to Pacemaker now. Bye all