1st time at a Graduation Party - Family Cookout

Well I’ll be using DJay Pro for my 1st time in a true test this Saturday for this family event. I’ll be letting the Automix do it’s thing which is better than just playing the playlist (with pauses) from Apple Music or Spotify. I was glad to learn that I could arrange the Automix Playlist in the order the I prefer I just have to do that in the main screen then switch to Automix then choose that playlist and the tracks appear in the order I put them in (shuffle off). As I do in real dj I like to start mellow before getting to a more upbeat
atmosphere after an hour or 2. I’m just glad that it’s not a real deal “dj gig” for me and I can kick back and let it do it’s thing and enjoy the party. I’ll be running an Ipad to 1 Yamaha DBR12 via the Alto Bluetooth adapter in Mono. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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Hey @DJCP - Welcome to the Community! Thanks for your first post.

We hope the family event goes well! Can’t wait to hear about it. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions in the meantime, and have a great weekend! :slight_smile: