2025 Sampler enhancements

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In my opinion, the current sampler can only be used for one shots. I’d like to see enhancement to the sample to Sync to the current songs BPM, include loop capability for custom drum loops AND the ability to stem out the drums, vocal, bass of the current song using your samples. I just saw with VDJ’s current upgrade that they have added this functionality in their sampler. I’ve been converted to Djay Pro so I’m hoping these improvements can happen


You can already sync, loop and use your own samples. Atomix have only just added the stem swapping in the early access build - but you could do it before anyway. They just made it a little easier.

The same is true in Djay Pro. Mute the stem you don’t want, play the sample that replaces it.

Hi @bmac0603, thanks for the suggestions. Some of these have been previously suggested in other topics. I have, however, forwarded this to the dev team for further consideration. Thanks!

PK - How do you Sync and Loop your samples in Djay Pro? I don’t see that functionality anywhere

It’s a shame that the sampler and looper are two separate things in Djay Pro. Compared to other software it’s a bit confusing. There’s a “sequencer” in the sampler (something which VDJ doesn’t have) where you can play in a drum pattern and loop it.

Using your own samples is unfortunately restricted to the sampler, and the looper is where you can have fun looping things in sync with tracks - but can’t use your own samples.

Algoriddim should consider merging these two separate things into one.

Yes exactly, it needs to be able to live sample synced loops from the tracks that are playing!