Hardware/controllers used (M-Audio Connectiv [Torq] 4in 4out Soundcard ):
Summary of the issue:
Djay Pro only gives 2 inputs & 2 Outputs (1 stereo pair in & out) when connecting my M-Audio Connectiv [Torq] 4in 4out usb Soundcard. I have tried this sound card on my Mac as well as a windows laptop & a raspberry pi running Mixxx - all 4 in/outs are available. Only on iOS devices does Djay have this problem.
How to reproduce the issue:
Plug the usb cards power in & connect it to any iOS device running Djay Pro
It might be a restrictions on iOS as well.
And of course not all same functionalities are implemented on hardware and software on all different hardware platforms and operating systems.
Like an Apple business point of view :
It’s good enough for most users to have 2inputs/outputs on iPad and if they want more then they need to uprade to Macbook Pros.
You can have multiple in/out on iOS, try it with GarageBand or another app to rule out if it’s a Djay Pro problem or not. Also try external power to it (if at all possible), might also be that it’s not compatible with iOS?
Thanks for your input AKB, the interface was already connected to its own power supply. I tried it with garage band and I am able to use all the inputs on the usb audio interface. So it seems like the problem def lies with Djay.
Thanks for trying to assist. I totally get the whole apple thing… I already do have a MacBook Pro (which it does work on) but I tried it with Garage band & all inputs are available & work just fine, so it must be a problem with Djay.
Hi @magrepairs, with your M-Audio Connectiv connected to your iPad, can you please share a screenshot of your djay Settings>Audio Devices with the Main Output menu expanded like shown below? Thanks!
Here are the screenshots you asked for.
Note how the output looks like I have 2 outputs selected, but both decks output on the same channel. The dvs inputs show 3 different inputs, but they are all channels 1&2 - basically all the same inputs. If I select another one from the list, I get an error saying “you can’t connect to the same input” (or something like that)
Thanks for the additional screenshots @magrepairs. I don’t have access to a 4-in-4-out interface to check for myself so I’ll need to pass this onto our hardware engineering team to see what they think. I’ll report back when I have news.
I use a Traktor Audio 10 on my iPad 10th Gen regularly, and that works fine, so multiple inputs and outputs in itself are not a problem.
I dont have any personal experience with the Conectiv though. It does support CoreAudio, afaik. The one big difference is that it is a rather old design and only supports USB 1.1. This means that maximum sample rate is 16 bit 48 khz if you want to use 4 in 4 out, as USB 1.1 can’t transport more data than that. Maybe the iPhone requests a higher bitrate or sample rate and the interface falls back to 2 in 2 out? Just guessing here, but I thought I’d mention it.
Thanks for your input here, that actually makes a lot of sense - I really hope that’s not the case though as I actually bought it specifically to use timecode with Djay at home.