5.1.1 Frequently crashes during MIDI Mapping

Idk what’s going on, I only have Djay Pro open and I’m not doing anything that crazy on my mappings that should cause this to crash but it is.

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@tony_foo_yong, please provide more details.

  1. What Apple hardware are you using?
  2. What iOS version?
  3. What DJ hardware are you MIDI Mapping?
  4. Are you using the latest firmware for your DJ hardware?
  5. How exactly is your DJ hardware connected to your iOS device?
  6. Can you please try to capture a video of this happening?


I really wish when people would share their problems that they would fill in all the information that Slak has asked for beforehand

@tony_foo_yong, please update to the recently released 5.1.2 and let me know if this fixes your issue. If not, please submit an official support request through the app via Settings>SUPPORT>Contact Support so the engineering team can look at your crash reports.


I’m extremely regretful that I overlooked giving essential information that is inexplicably crucial to resolving the minor issue that I saw as a major-crisis at that particular moment in time.

I’d been midi-mapping my controller for the better part of an entire day, and just as I had begun to finalize my masterpiece of a midi-mapping, the long hours and dedication I’d put into converting my controller into perfection my endeavors began to go awry.

I really was just in a bad place, and disregarded logic.
My bad.
It’s just a forum though, so I really wish people would be a little more empathetic and compassionate when others are experiencing issues with this software.

DJ’ing isn’t just a hobby for me, it’s my entire livelihood and has been over 2 decades now and now knowing that info, one can speculate that I don’t have many friends :sweat_smile: combine these factors with the fact that I’m one of the ugliest men in the world, I reached out to the forum in a moment of weakness as it’s mainly the only interactions I have with other human beings, except for drunk women wearing cowboy boots/hat in Nashville clubs screaming at me to play Bad Bunny.

I will do my best to refrain from this type of behavior from this point on.

Bet. Thanks my dude!!

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You’re welcome @tony_foo_yong.

Also, I believe what maurizio_T was referring to was to always include basic information about your setup when creating new posts:

  1. OS and version
  2. Device details
  3. djay version
  4. DJ hardware details
  5. DJ hardware firmware version

Lol…I’m aware of what he was referring to, I was just explaining the temporary madness I had experienced that caused me to forget to include the aforementioned details.

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Understood… thanks for the clarification. All good!

I didn’t mean it in a bad way, We can try to help best when we know the full picture…

I too went through the same issues you have been through quite some time ago, back in the days of Djay 2 so I do empathise with you…


I knew what you meant, I just was offering a humorous retort disguised as an excuse lol

Hope you have a good day Bro & may your next gig bring you all the fame and fortune your heart desires.

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All good bro, hope you kill it at your next gig, with no software crashes :wink:

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