5.2.3 crashed 2 times when searching for songs

:pray:. Guess I’ll have to push thru with my finger crossed. I have 3 gigs this weekend

I too have a gig this weekend.
Might Have to go Laidback Luke style and use my phone.
Can you give us any idea where the problem lies and any workarounds to help us through @Slak_Jaw?

Hi @daniel_curley, you could try the workaround I shared above:

Yeah tried that. As @KDM said it still crashes taking those measures.
I’ve been running automix since my last message and it hasn’t crashed yet, not ideal but maybe workable.


What music source(s) are you using?

Hi @Slak_Jaw. Thank you for taking care of this very important issue, since shutting down the system several times during the event is a serious issue. I spent another night on it, trying many many things, side panel is in my case not the problem, because it doesn’t matter if it’s open or not it will crash anyway. However there is one function in General settings - (protect active deck). I switched off - and since then it hasn’t crash yet and Im testing heavy many hours… So maybe is a problem with this function? (protect active deck), but Im not specialist just trying everything what I can 4 days already… Thanks once again for looking into it.

Tidal, local music and local files

Thanks for the additional info @KDM. This is very helpful. I’ve passed this onto engineering.

Thanks for the details regarding your music source @daniel_curley. Perhaps you can try what @KDM suggested above to see if that helps in the meantime?

@KDM’s method seems to work for now, combined with avoiding the side pane I think we have a workaround.
Nice work fellas.

That’s good news. Thanks for confirming @daniel_curley

I’m using a mix of local, tidal, Apple Music

Mine has always been set to off. Still crashes

Thanks for the info @Five-0. Can you please try eliminating Tidal tracks to see if that changes anything?

If this is a Tidal issue I am going to be furious!
I’m paying an extra premium for that service and it needs to work.

Yes, I. Believe it was. I dj’d last night at a small bar and it crashed. I went back in history to the exact point and i was playing a local song and I remember clicking a tidal track and the software shut down. I wasn’t in search mode and my panels was closed/ had a vibe going right before it crashed.

Thanks for the additional info @Five-0. This is very helpful. I’ve shared this with engineering.

Just played a four hour gig, no side pane or search involved and it went without incident. A combination of Tidal and local files.
Tried search and side panel match when I got home and it crashed twice in 2 minutes.

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Thanks for the info @daniel_curley. I’ll share this with engineering.

Hello, I am also experiencing crashing but while playing. After about 20-30 minutes of playing it crashes and shuts down the entire app. I would then have to restart the app and after another 30 minutes it crashes again. I hope an update will be out soon to fix this issue. I have experienced this in the past it was fixed but now it is back.