5.2.3 search not working correctly if Library Filters are selected

macbook pro 8 core intel
: Sonoma 14.3.1
: djay pro 5.2.3
: ddj 400

Hi, when searching in library and any of the library filters are selected, the results aren’t working correctly. For ex. if you search hip hop, you also get dance, reggae, ect… but when none of the library filters are selected, it works correctly and the results will only show hip hop.


The Track Filters and Search Bar do not interact; they are independent of each other and do not modify each other’s results. Each method will create a completely new track list and overwrite the contents of the Track Window.

  • The tracks in your 1st example look like results from the Track Filters.
  • The tracks in your 2nd example look like results from the Search Bar.


  • For reference, your Search Bar is set to search the Current Playlist.
  • Hyphenating the genre Hip-Hop can make searches and filters more accurate.

Hi Michael, Thanks for the reply!

I see the limitation. It would be great if the search and filters interact.

I see you could set up filters a head of time (but that would take up half the screen) or every time you want a particular batch of tunes open each filter tab and set your criteria, but that takes way too long especially if you change your criteria a lot.

Thanks for that @Michael_Wisniewski. Well explained as usual!

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