The screen is overloaded with visual controls, which is redundant, when using controller (either on iPad or Mac)…
Please have UI and MIDI ways to enable/disable the following panels:
- mixer section (tone control, filter, volume, gain, level meter)
- transport section (play, cue, loop size, etc)
- Cross Fader, CF Assign, Pitch/Tempo, Sync state
- Looper panel visibility, and its modes Just MIDI command, as the UI button is there.
- Neural Mix Panel. Just MIDI command, as the UI button is there.
- Pro Mode & 4 decks Mode direct MIDI command. (The “Next View Mode” has functional implications and is not usable in live environment)
- 4 Decks Pro Mode - 2 on each side, Serato style. With controller optimised variant w/o mixer and/or transport controls for larger waveforms
- “Toggle Tools” Midi command displays very large and impractical view of the tools panel. If Tools is selected from the UI button, it’s much tighter.
- “Toggle Waveforms” MIDI command