About updates....

using pro on iPad.

Are updates automatic?
How can I find out what version I’m using?
How do I get notified about updates?
Is content / help / demos about new features provided?


Hi @N_C,

On iOS you can enable or disable Automatic Updates in Settings>App Store>AUTOMATIC DOWNLOADS.

You can find your current djay version in the djay Settings near the bottom.

You can enable Notifications in your iOS Settings>Notifications>djay

You can find feature demos on the Official Algoriddim YouTube channel:

I turn automatic updates off,
I prefer to make sure the update has bugs ironed out before downloading it, and then I update on my spare back up iPad and test it with that before updating to my main iPad

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Updates via App Store? Thats not user friendly. Expect me to ask the question again inb a months time.

“You can find feature demos on Youtube channel”


I don’t understand why you would not promote & educate on new features.

Hi @maurizio_T,

Actually I think you’re way of working is a good idea.
I cannot afford problems because of a bug in a new version during a live gig.

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I have been caught out before in the past so I now protect myself this way…

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As predicted i‘m back again, after spending half an hour trying to ensure I am in the latest version. It’s so convoluted. Very frustrating. You could fix this by moving ,current version to somewhere it can actually be seen. Then from scratching head, back, forth, between app, settings, device settings, app store settings, back here to the forum, you could just see “ah ok I’m good”. And again why you would not inform us of updates and features seems crazy. Do you not have email updates? You could then include a link to a video to new features. I just found this via a search. [You wont hear me saying this very often] but that is one marketing email I would love to get. https://youtu.be/R-CSPEb2JZE?si=szKd7t1flVRR64kI

Hi @N_C, thanks for the additional feedback. I’ve passed this onto the devs. Thanks!

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Hi again @N_C, the latest djay versions are always on the App Store. We recommend that you check there first. The App Store page will show an Open button if the app is up to date, otherwise an Update” button will be shown.

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