Add Matched Automix songs to faves or playlist

Hi there,

So using automix - specifically the “match song” feature is great, but when I’m presented with a great track, there seem to be no way to save it to one of my playlists, or fave it, in real time. Please add this feature. Currently I have to jot down the name of the tune and look it up after I’m finished with my auto-mix session.


i think this has already been requested but i strongly suggest it!
on mobile i used to use djay as my music player starting and listening to playlists in automix mode. when i find a track i’d like to keep it’d be great if you could add it to another djay playlist (you could see this as a way to prepare tracks to mix them later)

Hi @gijoel77 and @JiPenade ,

Thanks for reaching out about this feature request and for your ongoing support!

I’ve made sure it’s brought to the attention of our Dev Team for future consideration.

In addition, if other users also feel this feature would be useful, we encourage them to vote on this topic thread as well so we have a better idea of the interest from others in our community.


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I’m giving this a little bump so that, hopefully, others might find this suggestion useful and vote for it!

Hey @gijoel77 ,

Thank you for checking back on this.

No updates as of yet since we haven’t received other similar requests. Nonetheless, rest assured that your request is on our radar and - although we cannot provide any time frame - we will keep you posted if we have an update.

Furthermore, if our Dev Team has additional questions or needs more information from you while looking into this request, I will also promptly reach out.

Thank you for your attention regarding this. Cheers!

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