Add new MIDI mappable commands for Prime Go

Thanks Slak,
I downloaded that App for my iPad and whilst I have it connected to my Denon Go, There are 5 buttons that when pressed send and receive a midi signal in Midi Scope but when I open Dj Pro and press the same buttons in the Midi edit mode, No signal is being received.

Is there any way that I can get these buttons to respond in Dj Pro?
Te buttons are;
Mic 1 on/off
Mic 2 on/off
FX Assign 1
FX Assign 2
FX On/Off button

This would be handy to have so I could map these buttons to other functions

Hi @maurizio_T, this is typically done in code to accommodate advance functions or to prevent unintended behavior in djay.

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Thanks for the reply, so basically I can’t do this myself…
Any chance you could bring this up with the Dev team for future updates?
Not a deal breaker for me but if it’s not a huge job to do on their end, then yes it would be much appreciated.

Basically yeah, unless you want to have a go at editing the XML file. Please create a new suggestion topic for this and I’ll pass it onto the devs. Thanks!

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Unless someone on here wants to give me some pointers on how to edit the XML file, I might give it a miss.
I know it can be done because one of the Midi maps that was released by either Geronimo or Jipenade in a version prior to the official Djay version had some of those buttons mapped…

Thanks, I’ll start a new thread in suggestions

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Hi again @maurizio_T, I have moved this to its own Suggestion topic and passed this onto the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the Vote button. Thanks!

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Thanks Slak much appreciated

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No problem! You’re welcome @maurizio_T