Add "Show in Playlist" option for Songs

It would be nice to know in wich playlists a song is located , for me is needed .

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Thanks for the suggestion @Mauri_Moore. I already shared is with the dev team from you other suggestion post.

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Is there any plan to add a ‘find in playlist’ feature?

It would improve the experience a lot, especially for those of us who might have long playlists.

Many thanks!

At least with the integrated streaming services, you can search across the entire catalog or only in the current playlist. Apart from that, I think it’s a good idea to tidy up playlists from time to time so that they don’t grow exorbitantly.

Hi @konputer, please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. You can vote for this feature at the top left of this page. Thanks!