Advanced Mapping Bug

This will be a bit of a niche report, but it may affect other controllers and mappings.

I’ve mapped the SX2’s 6 FX knobs to FX Parameters and with shift pressed FX Wet / Dry.

In the advanced section the Pick Up mode is set to on, however it does nothing.

As soon as knob is turned the GUI flips straight to the knobs position and ignores the pick up mode being on.

I’ve a few iPad Pros (12” M1 and 11” M2), a few iPhones and an M1 MacBook Pro 16”, all at the latest updates for the os and djay updated and all do the same.

So it must be a software issue that is preventing the pick-up mode being respected.

It prevents the FX knobs being used to their full
potential when mapped as the GUI jumps about rather than picking up.

Not a massive bug but a bug nonetheless, if it could be looked at at some point.


S :+1:t2:

Hi @sooteee,

Thank you for sharing this unexpected behavior from djay in the latest update.

Our engineering team is aware of this issue and is currently working on a fix for it.

Please keep an eye out for our General Discussion category as we will share bug fixes such as this one in a future update changelog.

Thank you for your understanding!


any news about the problem ?
it is not possible to work in live situations , I’m playing in a club 7 days a week .
No issues with Cdj2000 NX2 and , before the last update all was OK …
Is there a way to gio back to the previous version ??

Thanks in advance