Akai AMX connected through USB-C on iPad Pro 2018/2020 = no audio

I’ve been using the AKAI AMX for quite a while and I’ve been very happy with it, especially because though it’s tiny it can do powerful features such as DVS.

In many of my use cases, I have tried using it with iPhones and iPads through the Lightning to USB Camera Kit. It worked especially well when used with the USB 3 Camera kit which also allows power delivery to the iOS device.

However, after recently testing this with an iPad Pro 2020 so through USB-C, I noticed it didn’t work at all, even with USB-C hub that provides power delivery.

There is no audio coming out from either the headphone out or the master out. When used a power delivery enabled USB-hub, I do get some heavily saturated but still very low level of audio from the master out.

All the Vu-meters appear to behave properly? The unit is mapped to Algoriddim Djay with LED feedback. I also tested inverting the audio master/monitoring outputs in the software.

Connecting back to a lightning iOS device or my computer, and the AMX behaves normally so it’s not like the unit became faulty. It still works very well.

Has anyone experienced anything similar with their iPad Pro 2018 or 2020 using USB-C ?

Is there a fix for that ? Maybe a power-management issue ?

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 I use https://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Nucleum-Adapter-Charging-Chromebook/dp/B076BGJXTG with my iPad Pro 2018 and Reloop Mixon 4 and Reloop Mixtour and works just fine.

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Thank you for the advice David.

I don’t have Apple’s AV adapter yet, obviously chose third party hubs because of the ridiculous price of this adapter Vs a hub with HDMI and USB+Power Delivery.

If I see an occasion to buy or test this adapter will give it a try and report back.

In the meantime. Let’s see if other AMX users report the same issues and solution.

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Thank you for the advice,

My attempt was with two dongle-type USB hubs that provide at least one Power-Delivery USB-C input as well as USB.

I can try with more traditional powered USB 3 hubs (I have one pretty high-end from ORICO).

However, the whole idea of using an iPad Pro and a tiny AMX mixer is the simplicity and portability. Not sure it makes sense to then add audio interface + traditional hub and all the cabling complexity this implies.

I would expect USB-C power delivery to be enough as it does power my iPad Pro + other controllers like the DDJ Wego 3 (with it being powered only through USB).

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Hi though not directly related i found attaching an apple usb c digital av multiport adapter to my 11” ipad Pro (2018) allows me to connect the usb cable from a reloop mixon4 controller And it works fine with djay and audio to the controller (with the added benefit of in sync hdmi video ouput to a screen/projector ) might be worth trying the above adapter for your AMX usb connection

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Just a couple of thoughts as I have heard of people reporting on some power supported hubs not supplying sufficient power supply through the hub itself especially if the hub is not a direct power supply hub plugged to mains power, the other solution is have you tried plugging the AMX into a USB Audo Interface with your interface as your direction connection to your iPad Pro which would give you more control in regards to sound levels anyway just a thought. I also own the IPad Pro 11” but have only used the Kontrol Z1 with Traktor and haven’t had any problems so far although I would love to be able to use the APC 40 mkii with something like the looper decks in Djay or Launchoad that would be amazing. Good luck hope this helps or works for you.