Analyzed Songs Not Loading Properly

Device model: iPhone 15 Plus
Version of operating system: iOS 17.4.1
Version of djay: 5.2.3
Hardware/controllers used: DDJ FLX4

I am having an issue when analyzing songs from files. I select the songs to be analyzed then load a song to be played. However, half of the song is grayed out on the waveform/beatgrid under the song title. When playing the song the waveforms have their color in the grayed out portion. The songs play normally with no issue.

When I load a song without analyzing it first, there is no grayed portion or issue. There is also no issue when loading songs from Apple Music.

Hi @PtheGr8, thanks for sharing the details about your setup and the issue.

  1. What file format(s) are you using for these songs?
  2. Are the songs stored on your internal drive, iCloud or an external drive?
  1. File format is m4a

  2. Internal Drive

Thanks for the additional info @PtheGr8. Please close djay and follow the procedure linked below to perform a Forced Restart of your iOS device:

  1. iPhone: Force restart iPhone - Apple Support
  2. iPad:

Let me know if this clears up the issue or not.

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Unfortunately this did not clear the issue.

Thanks for confirming @PtheGr8. Can you please upload your djay Media Library database file and some of your m4a files to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to here or send it to me in a DM?

  1. On iOS you can find the database using the Files app in On My iPhone/iPad>djay>User Data.
  2. On macOS it can be found in ~/Music>djay.
  3. On Windows it can be found in %HOMEPATH%>Music>djay>djay Media Library.


Sent you a DM with a link

Thanks @PtheGr8. Please enable sharing permissions on the Google Drive file.

Hi @PtheGr8, please try running the “Analyze Songs” option on the playlist that contains the problem tracks. This should force a reanalysis and may fix the issue. Thanks!

I did run the Analyze Songs for all songs on different playlist and did not fix the issue. I even deleted the songs then re-added them from files, but it already had the songs analyzed with the half grayed out portion.

Thanks for the follow up @PtheGr8. I’ve passed this onto engineering. Can please you also try updating to 5.2.4 to see if that solves your issue?

Just updated. Same issue

Thanks for confirming @PtheGr8. Let me see if engineering has any other suggestions.

In the meantime, you could try a fresh djay installation to see if that clears up the issue. I suggest that you backup your djay Media Library database and any custom MIDI mappings, then uninstall djay, reboot your device, and reinstall the latest version of djay. You can find the files above in the following locations:

  1. iOS: using the Files App, navigate to Locations->On My iPhone/iPad->djay->User Data
  2. macOS:
  3. Windows:
  4. Copy the files to a new location or external drive before uninstalling djay. After reinstallation, you can simply copy these files back to their original locations to maintain your Hot Cues, Saved Loops, My Collection Playlists, History and Queue.

Reinstalled Djay and same issue exist when analyzing songs

Thanks for confirming @PtheGr8. Sorry that didn’t resolve things. I’m out of ideas so we’ll have to wait and see what engineering can come up with. Thanks.

Alright, appreciate the effort.

Question. When I load a song without using the “analyze song” option, is it considered analyzed or does the “analyze song” option do something else towards the track?

You’re welcome. If you load a song that has not been analyzed, it will be analyzed during the loading process.

Hi @PtheGr8, please try the following:

  1. Tap checkmark icon in songs list to select songs to re-analyze
  2. Select songs
  3. Select “Analyze” from the actions menu

I’ve tried this and did not work. It would analyze the songs and continue to leave the songs half grayed out.

When I would load a song without selecting the “analyze song” option it would load up with its full color. However, if I select analyze song after this, it would change and leave the song half grayed out.

Very strange. I’ve resorted to individually clicking and loading up songs when I link new music to get full color. A bit more work but seems to be only way around the songs being grayed out.