Android Playlist not working after updates

Algoriddim DJay on Samsung tablet latest update for both. My tablet and DJay pro updated yesterday (had not used it in a few weeks) and now my playlist do not seem to work right. I use VDJ and copied Virtual folders to the tablet. Then exported the playlist on VDJ to the tablet as well. Worked great until yesterday when I went update my ceremony file for this weekends wedding. First I noticed only 2 of the 3 songs on the playlist showed. I checked my other playlist and some look good but a few are missing many songs that worked a few weeks ago. I confirmed the songs are still in the file, just no longer on the playlist. So tried exporting the playlist again to update them and they still are missing the same songs. All MP3 songs used and using the ceremony list I see no difference in the 3 files used except they are different songs. I see they added a way to go directly to the folder so I have a work around just wondering if anyone else has seen this and if they found a fix?

Hi @James_Moore,

Thanks for sharing your question! Sorry to see you’re experiencing this.

Could you please send us the following files via a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox?

  1. The three MP3 tracks.
  2. The playlist file.

Additionally, if you could share the following info, it would be much appreciated.

  1. Android device model
  2. Android OS version
  3. djay version

Looking forward to hearing back from you. Have a nice day!

PS any chance Android will catch up to the IOS version?

I also was able to confirm that if I took the playlist not working on my android and import it back into VDJ all files show.

Hi @James_Moore,

Thanks for sharing this and for the update.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to reproduce the issue you were having, but it sounds like it has been fixed, no?

Happily awaiting your reply.