đź“Ł ANNOUNCEMENT: djay v5.1.1 macOS/iOS/Windows/Android [Changelog]

Hi everyone,

We just released a new update for djay on Mac, iOS, Windows and Android. Take a look at the release notes below for more information.


  • New: Enhanced drawing of detail waveform (scrubbing, jump to cue, zoom out)
  • Improved loading of Apple Music libraries with large number of playlists
  • Improved robustness for DJM-S7 external mixer initialization
  • Improved BPM fluctuations with certain songs
  • Fixed possible missing playlists in Local Music source (iOS only)
  • Fixed missing playlist options in Pro mode (iPad only)
  • Fixed drag and drop of My Crates tracks into My Collection (macOS only)
  • Fixed error message when exporting playlist to TIDAL
  • Various bugfixes and improvements


  • Improved loading of Apple Music libraries with large number of playlists
  • Improved robustness for DJM-S7 external mixer initialization
  • Improved BPM fluctuations with certain songs
  • Fixed error message when exporting playlist to TIDAL
  • Various bugfixes and improvements


  • Improved user interface details
  • Improved loading of Apple Music libraries with large number of playlists
  • Improved BPM fluctuations with certain songs
  • Fixed some MIDI controllers not being accessible
  • Fixed error message when exporting playlist to TIDAL
  • Various bugfixes and improvements

Fantastic. I really am impressed by all the updates from you guys much faster than my old dj Software provider. Any improvements on the quantities of the hot cues ? Do you remember my request?

You’re welcome @Nubium. Your additional hot cue suggestion was received and logged for consideration with the dev team, but I cannot comment further. Please understand that we get a lot of great suggestions from this community and, unfortunately for a variety of reasons, not all can be implemented. We greatly appreciate all of your ideas though! Thanks!


What is the priority which bugs will fix? I’m asking because still not have correct audio routing on iOS!
Algoriddim flagshipping Djay Pro with iOS but on iOS that not work well.


Glitches in Audio appears still since v5.0.0. You are not allowed to click into the track-waveform (which shows the whole track) for moving around, Djaypro dislikes that and produces clicks and dropouts you can even see now in the waveform. :smiley: /Irony

Hi @SirHannes, if you haven’t already, please share this as a separate topic and include the specifics of your setup (OS and version, djay version, Mac or iOS device details, DJ controller details). Also, please try to capture a video of this, upload it to your Dropbox/Google Drive, enable sharing permissions and share a link to the video. This will help us to try to replicate your issue and troubleshoot it further.

My initial suspicion based on your description is a performance issue with your device. Either way, it would be good to discuss the details further in a separate topic. Thanks!

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I think you may have a very specific use case that might be rather extraordinary

Nope.my djay 5.1 was losing it’s mind this weekend trying to run more than two tracks from an external drive on my iPad 10. Seemed to get progressively worse as the day went on.

Hi @Deedot,
Please share this as a separate topic and include the specifics of your setup (OS and version, djay version, Mac or iOS device details, DJ controller details). Also, please try to capture a video of this, upload it to your Dropbox/Google Drive, enable sharing permissions and share a link to the video. This will help us to replicate your issue and troubleshoot it further. Thanks!

wouldn’t that indicate more of a drive problem than a software problem? How’d you connect the drive to your ipad?


Do I need to do something to get the update?

Hi be great to also see the improvement s I suggested, appreciate many come in but surely eg larger font size (looks to be 8 tinny font in folders), full screen wave form, beat sync for loop-cue points, pre track & wave form assigned - bmp (like wedj) for us die hard androud fans :slight_smile:

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when you say “beat sync for loop-cue points” I couldn’t agree more. the way Serato and Denon prime do it is if I hit late then the beats stay in sync, not jump to the beat after.

With wedj and others you can adjust the quantize, (see full screen the wave form) then while track playing click loop which aligns to beat even if your slightly out on timing but the main benefit is that when you then set a hot cue it goes exact at beginning of loop as that’s where you want it, , with djay its random and falls mid loop, have to be lightning fast to get it any where near beginning of loop (or stop track) frustrating …

I won’t go into massive detail, because I just want to get my point across to you guys so you can hopefully fix asap. I’ve been a massive fan and what you’d describe as a power/daily user of this app since the first gen iPad, every iPad I’ve had since to now where I’m running the latest update on an iPad Pro 3rd Gen. You’d expect an iPad not so old to be able to run this update smoothly like all previous updates have on my other iPads. However, forgive this rant and I mean no offence but I’m just so frustrated with this latest update and had to come here (will also write an email) to detail HUGE problems with it.

  1. Firstly sync is not improved. It can incorrectly analyse bars and can randomly jump 10bpm + at random points on a track you’ve recorded within the app.

  2. The simple method of scrolling through a track, tapping a que point, then repeatedly tap that que to get real-time sound back and before you could you skill to make a live beat/loop just from using skill and tapping on que points - can’t do that anymore at all. The lag is awful. It’s unbelievably slow and lags when compared to how easy/quick it was before. You should be able to repeatedly tap a que point and the corresponding point on the track plays back instantly.

  3. Worst of all, you cannot use the app live anymore because simply, it keeps crashing! I have lost count of the number of times. I’m no programmer/coder but you need to fix this asap.

In my opinion, stop the gimmicks with auto crossfader fx nonsense (that’s not DJing!) and focus perhaps on developing a simple method for pre queuing in headphones direct from an iPad and sound quality. If you concentrate on what real DJ’s want and get it bombproof and fast again (and not crashing on iPad Pro’s), it’s my belief that eventually professional DJ’s will ditch Pioneer (like I have). But to do that, you need to focus on making it usable live! In any case, fix the awful lag/how slow and the crashes asap. PLEASE!!!

Just a heads up that Version 5.1.2 has now been released

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Do you know where I can see the release notes?