Anti-Shazam On/Off Mode

As most pro DJs I spend tons of hours daily to explore new music, listening and searching non stop so I can find tracks that are special and finally add them in my library and sets. Sometimes it takes to listen to 200 songs just to find a special one and the effort is huge daily to be on top of our game. And, just like that when I play in a gig some wanna be DJs simply Shazam every track along
from my set , stealing my hard work to discover gems and ofc skipping the hard part of our work. It would be great if there was a special mode in DJay pro software to make non discoverable the tracks we play from Shazam and similar apps. What is your thoughts ?!!

If your tracks really were special (obscure) then Shazam would give no results.

IMO as a DJ itā€™s (part of) our job to introduce people to tracks they may never have heard before. I certainly love discovering new tracks, and then playing them - and telling people what they are.

Two DJs that I discovered recently work much harder than me (and probably you) to find obscure tunes and play them in their sets. Both these DJs publish playlists on Spotify, post their discoveries on Instagram, and are quite happy to share the artists and titles with people - and thatā€™s the way it should be IMO


I respect your opinion but allow me to totally find you out of the main meaning of my post !

I was ready to reply but I realize you are a young and/or totally unexperienced fellow in the DJ and music world.

Be blessed my friend and keep going.

What was the ā€œmain meaningā€ of your post then? It reads to me as if you donā€™t want people to know what youā€™re playing. If Iā€™m wrong, please explain what you did mean.

You asked for our thoughts. I gave you mine - and as you can see others are of the same opinion.

Young and inexperienced? No, completely the opposite. Iā€™ve been DJing for over 45 years.


Technicallyā€¦ what you can doā€¦
play in a club, which doesnā€™t have wi-fi, where no cellular phone works , i.e no connection to internet.

2nd step is to gather all devices which can record audio in that club, so that no one can record your set.

3rd option : add so called ā€œwhite noiseā€ to audio so much that shazam doesnā€™t work, but then the audio quality is ā€¦ yeah :smiley:

ā€¦ and this sarcastic comment ā€¦

4th opiton : play vinyl recrods or such music which doesnā€™t yet have been digitized i.e most probably not possible to find with shazan


I agree a big part of the job is to surprise people. But Iā€™m not afraid of others copying ā€˜myā€™ tracks or playlist.

Every evening is different, and I prefer to read the crowd and adapt. My playlist is continuously in flux to raise the vibe. Itā€™s what I love about DJing and that part of the craft canā€™t be copied either.

If your gig depends on a couple of exclusives, just make sure you stay ahead of the pack. :wink:


Ok, I asked for an ON/OFF option so DJs could choose to use it or not as they please. I did not ask for the opinion of anyone to judge my desire to have this option. And I simply justified my wish that I do not like to share my hard work to lazy wannabe DJs, though, I always share with real DJs music, many times we share tracks lists new releases remixes we all do as we love music and respect each other. My comment was to avoid with the ON/OFF discover button all the wanna be DJs for my self and anyone that wishes the same every time we spot some.

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Scenario: Youā€™re playing in a club. People in the crowd are using their phones.

How are you supposed to know who in the crowd is a ā€œlazy wannabe DJā€ and who is a ā€œreal DJā€ if you see them using their phone? How are you supposed to know theyā€™re using Shazam? What if the person is not a DJ at all?

If someone comes up and asks you face to face, will you ask if they are a ā€œlazy wannabe DJā€?


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OK, lets go again.

Can you simply tell us if you would like to have this mode or not and let us know why for your self.

Let me and all others that wishes to have the option in the near future to be free to wish for it .

I donā€™t want to argue with anyone that does not want it, If ever it will be available simply do not use it.

And here you could just share your opinion why you wouldnā€™t use it.

Simple ?!

Thanks for the suggestion @John_Stergiou. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been doing, as have others. No one is denying your wish.

The fact is, even if it were possible to block Shazam, or disable wifi in the venue, or block phone reception completely, anyone who likes the track (lazy wannabe DJ or not) can simply record audio to their phone and search later. They could also ask others in the venue who may know the track.

Also itā€™s quite common now for people to stand and film the DJ, which also records the audio. How do you propose to stop that? Will you ask the venue to ban phones?

You canā€™t prevent people from ā€œstealing your workā€ even if they just remember the track in their head.


Still you keep commenting about my thoughts (why I want to use it) and why you think that I should not think like this or why what I think is not workingā€¦ Maybe I should not write my why!!!

My question for all as well for you my dear PK and all was to simply write your personal thoughts like: "yes I would like to use it for this reasonā€¦ or I would not want/need it for that reasonā€¦ .

Thank you

Thank you guys for all the great results and the continuous development !!!

Youā€™re welcome @John_Stergiou

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Short answer :slight_smile:

Seems technically impossible as well as ethically unwanted.

Anything you share during your set can be checked. Not only is this of value to the artists that make the tracks you are on the prowl for, as playing their music is what they need, it also aids in promoting new music. In the old days record companies would " plug" tracks via DJā€™s, both radio DJā€™s and club djā€™s alike.

So in my personal view you have a responsibility as a DJ to not just care about how good ā€œyou lookā€ but how well you offer music that fits the room, the crowd and promoted new artists that need it. So I am all for digging through those new crates in the ( virtual) record store, even if the tracks are digitally obtained, so new artists can get their " Moment To Shine " and YOU can make that possible. :slight_smile:




Hi @John_Stergiou, I spoke with engineering and as I suspected, they donā€™t think this would be technically possible without seriously degrading the audio quality.


I dislike this mentality and overall idea. To intentionally make it harder for tracks to be discovered takes potential listeners and therefore revenue away from the smaller artists whose music youā€™re playing. When youā€™re a small musician trying to get by, every cent counts. Thatā€™s why I share the tracklist for every mix I make; I believe the smaller artists deserve the support and recognition.

Besides, I imagine Shazam and other algorithms are good enough at filtering out noise that preventing them from working would likely audibly change the song and potentially worsen the experience for the listeners.


Hi guys. If people are looking and searching for your tracks then. You are doing something they enjoy.
I would be happy if they are searching for the tracks I play.
Thatā€™s the point of being a DJ


Just change the key up or down 1 or 2 semitones and you wont be able to shazam nothing.


LOL. Yeah, thatā€™s a great workaround.