Apple Music on Djay Pro in Mac OS

I currently have about 200 songs downloaded on Apple Music, when I log into djay pro (on Mac OS) and go to Music, I see the list I have downloaded on Apple Music, but I only see 4 of the 200 songs within that list Would anyone know how to tell me why or help with this?

Thanks in advance

@tatu are you sure that all of the songs were purchased and properly downloaded to your Mac? There is a difference between the Apple Music App and the Apple Music Streaming Service. Please note that the Apple Music Streaming Service is not supported due to DRM protection, even if the songs are downloaded through that service.

Thank you very much, I have been able to verify, with a song in particular, that buying it from the iTunes Store, if it appears in djay pro, although it does not appear in the list in which I have it, I have to check this better. The only doubt I have is if this will be the case with all the songs, or if despite buying them, it can be the case that they do not appear in djay pro.

I am not a professional, I do not make a living with this, but I do some gigs in a small pub and I like to do things as good as possible, if I have to invest in buying music I will do it, as long as it works properly and is legal.

@tatu so can you please confirm that you are indeed using the Apple Music Streaming Service in addition to iTunes? If so, then I think this could be your issue. There’s another user who has confirmed issues when using this streaming service along with an iTunes library of purchased songs (see below).

If your songs are downloaded from Apple Music, they are DRM-protected so you can’t access them in Djay. You can use an Apple Music converter to remove DRM protection. Then you can upload them to your Djay or other device/player.

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