ARM64-bit machines

Is djay working on ARM64-bit machines (Surface Pro X SQ2)

From what I’ve just read (you can do the same - use Google) software will run under emulation, but drivers will not work if they’re not designed to run on ARM.

If you just use the software, it should be OK. If you try to use a controller/audio interface that needs a driver, then you will be in trouble.

Thanks, did google it but couldn’t find anything. Can you send the link?

I’m using 3 controllers, Mixtour and 2x LC6000.

Will be the best to keep my hands off it…

As long as the device is able to run Windows 10 or 11 you should be okay. However, every chipset acts a bit differently and especially with ARM unless it’s properly optimized from the OEM. Also the driver issue that @PKtheDJ mentioned above could be a problem depending on your hardware. Hope that helps.

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