Audio Configurtion

I recently purchased djay for my MacBook Air and I was having some issues setting up the audio. In the first category for audio (Main Output) I have two options : Built in output or boom device
For the second (Pre Cuing) I have three: Boom Device, Split output and none.
I prefer to use headphones while I’m using this app and I was wondering if someone could give me the correct configurations so I can control my audio through my macbook’s default volume control.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Ebony,

You need additional hardware in order to pre-cue. Please see our Audio Hardware page for more information about recommended devices.

Hi Warren.
I’m not saying I am interested in using the pre-cuing option, but I am more just wanting to know how to set it up. But nevermind about that, I have figered it out. I now have a new problem of volume. It won’t allow me to change the volume using my computer volume controls, I have to use the 2 sliding bars in the middle of the app.