Auto select Pre-Cue (PFL) button also without Crossfader


I believe the feature where Djay auto-selects the other Pre-Cue (PFL) when using the Crossfader is well thought out, quite innovative, and big time awesome.

However, since I don’t use the crossfader much, I think a likewise feature like this could also benefit users who similarly don’t utilize the crossfader. At least, I was hoping that Algoriddim would implement this as an optional feature for users like myself as well.

The way it should work is pretty simple: when you select a second cue, the previously enabled one should become disabled, so that only one at a time is ‘On’.

Hope this makes sense? Or did I overlook such a possibility?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender,

Great suggestion!!!

I can see how this would be beneficial in a DJ’s workflow.

We’ve gone ahead and passed this feedback along to our engineering team for further consideration.

Have a great day!

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Woohoo! It’s live! Woohoo! It’s live!

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