Auto-Split File Size tracks while recording

A greater feature to add I feel is auto-split file size while recording.

A feature I did not see was being able to select various various options for auto-split tracks while recording. I generally am dj’ing 6 hour sets and so in Traktor I have it set to split every 650mb (which comes to 1 hr 7min each track). This is to save per any crash or issue with a drive that it is saved. In Traktor the auto split track file sizes are : 650mb, 700mb and 2048mb

My great worry in trying Djay Pro is there is no system for this currently and if something happens the mix is just gone if something fails and there is only one looooong track recording.

This would be most amazing to have in Djay Pro AI, and feel it is a vital asset.

I did not think to even check before purchasing, as I figured this is such a small thing that has been standard in Traktor all the time I have used since begin digital dj’ing over a decade ago.

I am still greatly in awe of Djay Pro AI, but these two options would make it “near perfect” in my eye.

Hey @Dj_Om-Amari,

I think this is a great idea and would definitely help with any catastrophic failures that can occur when we least expect them - especially during an important set!

We’ve gone ahead and shared this with the engineering team for further review.

Have a nice day!